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So, Tell Us, What Are Ye All At In The Veg Garden?

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Few pics of some bits.  

You are right Arry yours look well happy in there In my case it was simply a matter of laziness lol. I use the scaffold netting which was on them but I sort of threw it on. If your going to net y

I think my spuds are going well? Got some corn, some peas and beans going too, all new to this so no idea if they're growing well or not lol

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A old chap on the building years ago used to grow massive onions you know show types. Asked him how he did it, he wrote it down for me but that scrap of paper is long gone, but remember him saying sow you seeds on Christmas day he didn't use sets. Wish i'd looked after that info he's gone now bless his heart.

The green stuff I over winter is Kale only the black this year, usually grow the curly cut and come again type as well, and Purple  Sprouting ( I love that stuff ) all doing quite well considering the dry weather and so easy to grow.

Cheers Arry

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We are in a right lather here in the Midlands. I know it's the same for everyone but this lack of rain is really playing havoc. Runner beans, if they set, are producing very stringy pods. Try digging spuds and they come up in what feels like a lump of concrete. Gooseberries cooking on the bush. Peas, that without water aren't producing peas. All in all the main crops are crap. Onions have been so so, carrots fantastic but only because I decided to try raised boxes and water frequently, outdoor tomatoes same as above and salads very good. Saving grace is my sweet corn which is ready and having tried a couple the other night, sweet as sweet can be. Similarly the French climbing beans have done very well and am. Eating them nearly with every meal. Am just doing the River Cottage chutney which is using up some of the plentiful supply of courgettes, straggly onions and green tomatoes, among oth bits and pieces. Actually, another thing that has come through it all are the beetroot. I grew Cylindra and Boltardy and both have come good. Slightly dissapointed with the whole thing but we're still eating well. (As an aside. How are you all doing with your leeks? Mine appear to be going to seed. Not good.) JOK.

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Same here not sure what the tumbler plants are doing the toms have ripened and the fruit looks good and tastes amazing  but the flowers on the upper shoots are dying off  looks like the plants are saying what you can see is all your getting it’s too hot lol and arry I’ve found a tom plant that equals / maybe tastes better than the sun golds ?the black cherry tom omg inc taste ? and to top it off my mini cucumber has chucked the towel in after giving us 15 or so of the nicest cucumbers I’ve had , it’s still growing well but the small fruits keep dying off 



Edited by green lurchers
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3 hours ago, jok said:

We are in a right lather here in the Midlands. I know it's the same for everyone but this lack of rain is really playing havoc. Runner beans, if they set, are producing very stringy pods. Try digging spuds and they come up in what feels like a lump of concrete. Gooseberries cooking on the bush. Peas, that without water aren't producing peas. All in all the main crops are crap. Onions have been so so, carrots fantastic but only because I decided to try raised boxes and water frequently, outdoor tomatoes same as above and salads very good. Saving grace is my sweet corn which is ready and having tried a couple the other night, sweet as sweet can be. Similarly the French climbing beans have done very well and am. Eating them nearly with every meal. Am just doing the River Cottage chutney which is using up some of the plentiful supply of courgettes, straggly onions and green tomatoes, among oth bits and pieces. Actually, another thing that has come through it all are the beetroot. I grew Cylindra and Boltardy and both have come good. Slightly dissapointed with the whole thing but we're still eating well. (As an aside. How are you all doing with your leeks? Mine appear to be going to seed. Not good.) JOK.

Been watering with out it don't think i'd have anything. What seems to be thriving is them sweet potatoes mate. Tried sweet potatoes leaves the other night there really nice, Did them in a wok and stir fried them as a side dish with a bit of Oyster sauce. Runners are really good "White Lady" can really recommend that variety, first time i've grown that one and about 4 of last years plants of a red one called "Armstrong ". Having  to water the  runners every 2 days as they start to wilt then the beans just shrivel  if not. Carrots are good Beetroot good kale and Purple sprouting struggling but think will be okay. Sugar snaps had a good first picking but now struggling, Green Little Gem Lettuce good Red Little Gems all bolting. Green house Toms and Cucumbers really good year but heavy watering needed, but watching like mad as she had blight on her Potatoes next door. 

Now Leeks really struggling even with watering and loads of well rotted dung underneath, managed to pick them up a bit with a feed of "Sulphate of Ammonia.

Cheers Arry

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