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So, Tell Us, What Are Ye All At In The Veg Garden?

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Few pics of some bits.  

I think my spuds are going well? Got some corn, some peas and beans going too, all new to this so no idea if they're growing well or not lol

Had an hour on the plots today dug first spuds ( not the best but sure they be tasty, pulled a few beets to culled a cross bread pigeon from my loft , while we was there I swapped some eggs for a turn

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VFR400boy. Just had a look at your pics re flesh and bone. Decided that having quite a lot of fish guts might be good for fertiliser. Never really thought about it before. When do hens die?? Lol. I have a few and never thought of them in that light. Sorry, I'm just thinking daft thoughts, and it's only 5.30pm. Jok.

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On 13/06/2018 at 17:25, jok said:

VFR400boy. Just had a look at your pics re flesh and bone. Decided that having quite a lot of fish guts might be good for fertiliser. Never really thought about it before. When do hens die?? Lol. I have a few and never thought of them in that light. Sorry, I'm just thinking daft thoughts, and it's only 5.30pm. Jok.

He had loads when I was a boy he was always knocking the old ones 

one of my earliest memories of him is him burying some pheasant carcass in his garden told me was to feed the plants 

wish he was still about he died when I was about 10 before I got in to live stock and gardening 

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I remember an old guy saying that if new potatoes were bigger than pigeon eggs then they were'nt new potatoes. Well, to be fair yours are. I'm guessing that you put the garlic in late last year so good crop. Everything else as normal. Good harvest and happy eating. Jok.

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1 hour ago, jok said:

I remember an old guy saying that if new potatoes were bigger than pigeon eggs then they were'nt new potatoes. Well, to be fair yours are. I'm guessing that you put the garlic in late last year so good crop. Everything else as normal. Good harvest and happy eating. Jok.

Yeah last years garlic. Almost all my winter onions have gone to seed, those that haven't aren't very big. Iv picked the biggest. Think I'll pull the lot and pickle em. Onions I put in in spring are bigger than the winter ones. 

Yeah a good harvest sering as iv not watered anything on the allotment. I'm giving it up in September so only got 1st 2nd earlies, garlic and onions up there. 

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All year round cauliflower and cabbage. Leeks but it's close to a bit late, get your ground cultivated ready for late, Nov/Dec garlic setting. Leeks , if you can get plants might be a good bet. All the climbing beans are still worth a go. Salads are obviously ongoing so get some more in. Onion sets might be worth a shout. At the worst, you risk nowt so get them in. Jok.

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Things are going to plan up the plot so far. Plenty to pick now.

Nodig on the right. Took the plot over last year in autumn 



just took 6 thousand bags manure :lol:



The veg seems to like it and next year it will be better again.





spuds are happy on the other plot


this end is blight resistant varieties just out of interest. I can see why they take tens years to show




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I planted a couple of hundred leeks my cousin gave me today and my daughter planted a load of cabbages too.

There's still 2 big empty rides which I'll be covering in rabbit and horse manure and getting it worked in over the winter ready for next year and I'll be at an advantage because I'll know what was where.

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