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So, Tell Us, What Are Ye All At In The Veg Garden?

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Our tomatoes are still green, we are wondering if we have a disease or something else because the tops of the plants are curled over and look deformed and didn't get any flowers. Lower down there are quite a lot of tomatoes though.


We rescued one of the cucumber plants which almost died and it's back to producing again, the other one is storming ahead still.

toms sound like leaf curl they get it when stressed. This is the first year I have not had it as I put stuff in the buckets to keep moisture like moss and old bits of wood and try keep regular watering

Edited by terryd
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Few pics of some bits.  

I think my spuds are going well? Got some corn, some peas and beans going too, all new to this so no idea if they're growing well or not lol

Had an hour on the plots today dug first spuds ( not the best but sure they be tasty, pulled a few beets to culled a cross bread pigeon from my loft , while we was there I swapped some eggs for a turn

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Our tomatoes are still green, we are wondering if we have a disease or something else because the tops of the plants are curled over and look deformed and didn't get any flowers. Lower down there are quite a lot of tomatoes though.


We rescued one of the cucumber plants which almost died and it's back to producing again, the other one is storming ahead still.

toms sound like leaf curl they get it when stressed. This is the first year I have not had it as I put stuff in the buckets to keep moisture like moss and old bits of wood and try keep regular watering



Thanks Terry!


It is very sandy soil so sounds like she should be watering more often then

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I took another load of chicken manure down today which helps with rotting the compost. Also cut a bagful of comfrey which puts another layer of good ness in the mix. My biggest job by far, at the moment, is something I didn't really think too much about. De Stoning. For some reason, we are no where near a river or brook course, the garden , at about a foot down, is full of river stones. Now I realise that it's good for drainage etc but whenever I rotovated or hand dig sections up they come and not small by any means. I'm trying to do about 4 square mets at a time but the volume of rubble is a problem. What to do with it? Hard old life this allotment. Love it. Jok.

Ice age probably

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Picking the peas today. I told the mrs just be an hour and 4 hours later. Still loads to be done




the wife is busy as we speak bless her




few calabrese for dinner




removed the odd weed






out door toms and looking promising






mr perennial kale looking great




all ways in a rush to get my squash going but they sit there doing sod all until mid June then start to take off




my mission next year is to get a decent crop off this fruit tree. Plenty of manure and a good weeding




sowing the beets in clumps certainly works and has no affect on size so mr charles dowding was right






got onions every where and some have done good and others not but over all a success




nearly got the old girl to the top




handful of late runners if they survive the slugs







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Harvest time ..looking good T . My peas this year were the best I've managed ( keeping the other half away from them helped a lot ?) even got to freeze a few bags . Onions faired pretty well , really made an effort to space them right so I could weed properly


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A caterpillar has somehow got under my netted cabbage. I squashed a lot of eggs before netting so maybe I missed one egg. I search and search but can't find it.


It had better stay hidden cos if I find it it will know its dead.


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I would be well happy with them onions sussex. Thats a big old chilli plant I over looked them this year.


Just had grub. Fresh toms, red onion, beetroot tops, french beans and some fresh peas also chips from me kestrel spuds. Free range egg just not mine sadly and a steak off some dodgy cheap online place lol






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