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So, Tell Us, What Are Ye All At In The Veg Garden?

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Few pics of some bits.  

Beans coming out my ears now       the runners are also picking up speed     a simple snack     and a simple dinner. My gran used to cook this as a kid it was a fav of mine. Fry som

Few bits picked and washed tonight  

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Been to look at an allotment plot today : ) was used up till last summer so not to bad on the work front, forms sent back just awaiting the go ahead to get on there, can't wait I tell ya , watch this space ?

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Good luck Jamie looking forward to seeing how you get on. Personally having not owned a bit of land since I was a young fella it was quite some thing standing on my plot after signing for it and thinking wow this soil is mine to use at as long as I keep paying the bill :laugh:

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Thought I'd put up a pic of my small plot ,



Onions , beets , parsnip, broad beans , French beans , carrots ,asparagus,salads bit of soft fruit , there is a couple of grape vines but they got hammered in the frost . Oh toms cucumber chille in the greenhouse along with bedding plants..edited to add runner and berlotto beans corgette ..

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What's with the magpie trap.? Lol.[/quote



catch magpies ?...only had six so far this year but I do get on there case all year with the rifle ..first year I bought the place I caught 21 ..allotment wise I'm a novice and just mess about with it .

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Looks rather pretty don't it Terry. No rough work there compared to your own LOL? Nice hedge all round. Looks like a cloustered hidden garden. Anyway, hope all goes well Sussex. I'm going for gold and everything in this week . Fck the frost. Jok.

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Looks rather pretty don't it Terry. No rough work there compared to your own LOL? Nice hedge all round. Looks like a cloustered hidden garden. Anyway, hope all goes well Sussex. I'm going for gold and everything in this week . Fck the frost. Jok.

Didn't look quite like that when I bought it Jok , just a derelict Barn in a field , all the rough work was done ten years ago .


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Looks rather pretty don't it Terry. No rough work there compared to your own LOL? Nice hedge all round. Looks like a cloustered hidden garden. Anyway, hope all goes well Sussex. I'm going for gold and everything in this week . Fck the frost. Jok.


lol yea my plot is rough around the edges just like its owner

Planted out some kale today and red cabbage. Had few plants to spare and gave them to my mate. His words of wisdom was I will keep them in the pots until next thursday when it rains. He all ways works with the weather and rightly so too unfortunately I just have to do stuff when I can




The calabrese seem happy in the no dig bed even the gnome is smiling



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