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So, Tell Us, What Are Ye All At In The Veg Garden?

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Looks like I am in for a good year with the currants. They haven't been happy the last couple of years so I gave them a pruning this winter and it seems to have done the trick




time to start maxing out on space it soon goes





Love to seen the onions and shallots looking green one of my favorite crops when they work




I saw a post on facebook some where a person mentioned using gorse buried in with the peas to stop mice and they have never had a problem since. It made sense so I gave it a go and it seems to work. I also buried netting around them so helps as well.






Just out of curiosity i sowed fresh row with no netting buried just out of interest. Just threw a bit on top to stop the pigeons




another no dig bed done this one is destined for some out door toms. Bit optimistic but one has to try








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Few pics of some bits.  

I think my spuds are going well? Got some corn, some peas and beans going too, all new to this so no idea if they're growing well or not lol

Had an hour on the plots today dug first spuds ( not the best but sure they be tasty, pulled a few beets to culled a cross bread pigeon from my loft , while we was there I swapped some eggs for a turn

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I favour bush toms for outside, they seem more resistant to our problems.


yes I have some bush types and also some beef steaks but I am going to rig a canopy to keep a bit of rain off. Got a right mixture of tomato plants.

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I fancy trying some toms in hanging baskets seeing if the air about them helps with disease ?.

I tried those once and had a great crop off of them. The only problem was they all came at the same time, and once that flush was over they did not produce any more. If that was my fault I could not tell you or if thats how they work.



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I fancy trying some toms in hanging baskets seeing if the air about them helps with disease ?.


I have some tumbling toms to try in baskets. Going to go collect some moss to line them with as they are right pain to keep moist

Going to set up a wicking system of sorts for the green house. Surely it can't be any harder than stuffing one end of a jean leg into a bucket of water and the other end into the pot.

Been making some space and have an organise in the green house. Went really well haha. Give it another week and hopefully the weather will be ok to start thinking of getting stuff out.






if you need any tom plants Allan let me know lol

Edited by terryd
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Towards the end of May last year my daughter suddenly announces that she wants to grow some Tom's, so half hour later we're coming out the garden centre loaded down with two 12" pots, a couple bags of compost and a packet of Red Robin bush Tomato seeds. Only seven seeds in a pack, but all seven germinated and after a few weeks on a windowsill, we planted four in one pot and three in the other. Considering the late start and the fact the plants were just in a sunny corner of the garden, and being tended to by a kid, they did alright.






They were a good size Tom', but they were a bit pappy and not the most flavoursome, so the Jury's out on whether they are worth doing again.


If I get any half as healthy as them I will be over the moon

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I fancy trying some toms in hanging baskets seeing if the air about them helps with disease ?.


I have some tumbling toms to try in baskets. Going to go collect some moss to line them with as they are right pain to keep moist

Going to set up a wicking system of sorts for the green house. Surely it can't be any harder than stuffing one end of a jean leg into a bucket of water and the other end into the pot.

Been making some space and have an organise in the green house. Went really well haha. Give it another week and hopefully the weather will be ok to start thinking of getting stuff out.






if you need any tom plants Allan let me know lol


I put polythene in the bottom of my planters and water retaining granules but i still water most days and feed weekly but i only want them in hanging baskets as the lurchers eat everything green :laugh: i had to put my barrels of lilies round the front as they where eating the foliage which i thought might harm them as the pollen from the flowers stains your clothes

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Well I must be a right sad bugger got all excited when the kale plant arrived today :laugh: Have to admit i was expecting the normal rip off lark and a 2 inch plant that would die just seeing a bit of soil. But I got a nice surprise and dam big sturdy plant with a cracking root ball




all planted out and safe




comfrey on the go ready for the toms later




planted out some chard and lettuce



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had a couple of decent days here in the veg plot the last 2 (well for me anyway lol), got some lettuce and mixed leaves out into a couple of small beds,cleared the gh into the cold frames and potted on the toms and peppers and a trial with the peas "started some in modules in the gh early and some outside in the open ground ,got to say theres no difference :hmm: there all outside now an look the same " taties just starting to show their heads ,going to put the runner canes out tomorrow ready and plant out the broad beans this is the first year we have overwintered the garlic and what a difference its made "to the tops anyway :thumbs:" . quite a bit a bit behind a lot of you guys up here possibly 3-4 weeks !

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thats what i hoping for ! they usually do though ,got the toms and gherkins in the gh propagator now with just a bit of heating "seems to be keeping around 12 deg at night ,got held/laid up last week with a virus and they were just getting out of hand in the house missed the potting on by a week i guess its surprising just how quick things get lanky if your not careful :censored:


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trying then this year they seem to get mixed reviews , the plan is just to trail them between other bits and pieces , they seem to do ok in a smallish pot so trying them in a ring culture pot how i used to do the peppers 9" ( though this year im using closed standard pots on staging and hoping to get more light to the peppers to ripen them as i grow them on the NE side of the gh and the cucs on the SE end and the toms on the SW side we will see !!!!"nowt ventured nothing gained "

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