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So, Tell Us, What Are Ye All At In The Veg Garden?

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Lovage , curly kale and bacon soup is really nice.


After your tatties flower when do you lift them. My mate starts lifting his after 3 weeks from flowering but I thought that was a bit early ?? If this rain keeps up , blight won't be far away . I lifted mine later last year and they were ok but thought I'd check.

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Few pics of some bits.  

Beans coming out my ears now       the runners are also picking up speed     a simple snack     and a simple dinner. My gran used to cook this as a kid it was a fav of mine. Fry som

You are right Arry yours look well happy in there In my case it was simply a matter of laziness lol. I use the scaffold netting which was on them but I sort of threw it on. If your going to net y

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Once mine are finished growing and the tops died down I wont leave them that long as the slugs get mine. But my mate will leave his till end of august as he doesn't have any where decent to store them

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Got the dreaded blight in my earlies. All tops off and burned. I' m rather afraid that main crop has the same but waiting out a bit. Crop, however, is very good . 2 gardens next to mine are suffering badly and the problem is that they Re newcomers and don't understand the problem. Everything else looking quite good. North Warwickshire judging on Tuesday so fingers crossed. Whatever the outcome we are eating well. Jok.

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well its all going bit mad at the moment stuff coming out me ears. Just need to keep ontop of the freezing and pickling and preserving so we don't waste any thing




need a bloody good courgette soup recipie for sure

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Courgette and milk soup. Cook 1 kg of courgette with 3 tablespoons olive oil and 3 crushed garlic cloves, seasoned with salt early in the cooking. Let the mix go lightly brown and concentrated. Take off and cool. Mash it round a bit and add in up to a litre of milk. Obviously less means ticker soup. Bring the mix up to the boil, add some black pepper, a few torn basil leaves and a smattering of Parmesan and eat. Enjoy. Jok.

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All my rows have blighted. Taken off all early shaws now going to start on mains. What a bummer. Today is judging day as well for North Warwickshire which we fall in. We could do with the £100 in the allotment kitty. Aside from that things are looking very good. Like Terry d, I've a glut of veg but as always, the older community get some fresh veg. Soon be time to get the souper out of the cupboard. Loads of new recipes coming up. Jok.

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picked the spuds "juliette "last friday blanched and frozen ,caulies today along with the calibresse, wifes just started blanching for the freezer all good so far !,broad beans just about ready to pick and peas not far off ,got the swede and kale ready to follow the juliette spuds in a few days and trying to keep on top of the courgettes :laugh: , onions and shallots just going over and garlic looking best yet and kelsae onions steaming on !

TERRY try courgette fritters or curry if you fancy the idea, it works for us ! shred the courgettes and salt and leave them a while, rinse and squeeze out the moisture add a couple of tbs of flour an egg ,black pepper,garlic powder and grated Parmesan ,mold into patties and fry off in shallow oil, we have them with a salad and chilli jam .the curry is pretty standard issue :thumbs:

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Bloody hell Devon. You sound miles in front of everything down here. How's that? We are in the heart of England so you would assume we should be there or there abouts. The only crop coming off at the moment is or are spuds and cabbage. Admittedly we could harvest early beet and some climbing beans but after that we are standstill. Times a changing me thinks.jok.

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