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So, Tell Us, What Are Ye All At In The Veg Garden?

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Made this herb bed out some decking lengths must be 2 year ago this summer, it's the only time I've successfully grown mint ,lol

But I planted this loveage herb and its really took off there's some wasabi behind it somewhere lol


And I've now beaten down old dog kennel/shed that was rotten the wifes big pet rabbit was living in there in a barrel and the shed had a pop hole with the chicken house an small run just down from it, so moved the chicken house into the middle rabbit barrel underneath hen house and hens are now to fat to go over the fence,I got 6 barnevelder hens 4 ordinary an 2 blue pic of 2 of the nosier ones.


As a kid in the 70s my grandfathers garden always had plenty of mint growing i always remember the lovely smells of mint and other herbs. When he died i was given permission of my nan to dig the mint up for the allotment. Pepper mint spearmint and lemon mint. Put in pots and replant every 4/5 years it always brings back memories for me of my old grandfather a keen gardener. :thumbs:ive had it a long long time now.

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Few pics of some bits.  

I think my spuds are going well? Got some corn, some peas and beans going too, all new to this so no idea if they're growing well or not lol

Had an hour on the plots today dug first spuds ( not the best but sure they be tasty, pulled a few beets to culled a cross bread pigeon from my loft , while we was there I swapped some eggs for a turn

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Things are looking good. At the moment I am relatively weed free but only because I've had the time. Now work is getting busy things might change. I am pleased however. Jok.

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First pic is the Kelsie onions. I' m afraid, as proper gardeners will see, I have the dreaded curly moth. Top 2 rows are fckd. However, I had a cunning plan, and they look a lot better. Spuds looking good and in fact probably ready to lift. First earlies and cabbage with a bit of beef. Mm. Runner beans up the sticks, outdoor tomatoes surviving, squash and courgette as always going grand. Leeks in. 3 different lots so we'll see what happens. Having a little go with celery. Parsnips, if the Roots went down are looking VERY good. Beetroot good. In the cage, mange tout, onions, courgette and some seedlings. Little raised bed with carrots which really seem to be going well. Straws and rhubarb to create the pudding and all in all, good to go. I wish my neighbours would have a go.

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Looking grand jok. I see you have the nasturtiums on the go for the carrot fly ?

Started my new spuds but they are well slugged this year. Last year hardly a hole but this year well drilled. I think the variety seems to be the key. Tried maris bard this year but last year grew Duke of York and they were fine though poor yield. Getting poor yield this year as well due to my impatience and the frosts anyway :doh: . I bet when I get on too my second early which are kestrel they will be fine slug wise as they seem resistant to a degree .

On the plus side I have a row or two of onions doing grand now. Took me 3 years to get lucky with them :)

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My new raspberry plants got eaten !


Blasted geese got out, and within the 10 mins it took me to get out there ( I was working nights, so dozing and not dressed in goose herding clothes ) they had trashed some herbs, and the raspberries, and a few shrubs, that I am sure are not good for them.


Right now, roast goose is on the menu.

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All the top 2 rows I've taken up. No point in flogging a dead horse. Bought 40 Red Baron plants and in they went. QUESTION? All, and I mean all of my onion sets put in the frame thing you see in the pics have gone to seed. I've never had that happen in a long lifetime. Not the end of the world though. Pull them up and set something else. Just put in another 40 leek plants. They are great with the faggots. Jok.

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spuds out




and purple sprouting in




the old club root hammering the greyhound cabbage but it was a test really I new that patch was bad and wanted to compare to the red variety that seem quite happy

in the same spot






popped few leeks in






even got some flowers now





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Same as. We've just had our dinner. New potatoes,asparagus , fresh mint sauce and steak. Lovely. Jok.



yea I got cabbage, new spuds a salmon fillet from aldi oh and parsley sauce



Edited by terryd
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planted the leeks out yesterday ,thats the beds filled up for now ! thinking of trying the spuds to see how they are doing" they look almost ready",toms aint doing brill in the GH this year for some reason ! today sown some kale and swede and some more lettuce for later on ,garden is generally looking decent this year other than the toms .

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Decided not to bother with swede and kale. Seems I'm the only one who eats so we'll get them from the supermarket. Must admit that generally, everything is going to plan and now we've started to eat the produce life is good. Jok.

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One thing I've found, and it's becoming a real favourite, perpetual spinach. All the family really like it so I've 2 rows in. My beets are looking good and the first Sunday lunch with new pots,asparagus and cabbage was good. Jok.

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