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So, Tell Us, What Are Ye All At In The Veg Garden?

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i ( inadvertantly) dropped a clanger this year, aprt from my spuds, beetroot onions and aprsnips. i have two rows of peas, running parrallell, each about 38 ft long, i put bale wrap net from the floor up and over a long main line about 4 ft high and stapled it with wire hooks either side, so in effect you have a tent effect running the whole length, i planted both sides of one of the rows, then two weeks later i planted the other row, all seedlings planted out, very labour intensive, but worth the effort for plant quality etc. That part went to plan great, peas everywhere, but , although i thought that i had allowed plenty of room between the rows, (over 2ft, i obviously didnt. stared to harvest them, they are absolutely hanging with pods, but man what a ballache getting at them, next year, on row one side of the plot, the other on the far side, and each seedling will have its own cane or something. Crop is heavy, access is poor lol, my mistake.


my first earlies are starting to die back so start to harvest them now, pentlands, the few that i have risen so far have been out of this world tasty. so fingers crossed. persnips have got a lot of foliage, rose 1 the other day for a look, not shop size but big enough none the less.

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Few pics of some bits.  

Beans coming out my ears now       the runners are also picking up speed     a simple snack     and a simple dinner. My gran used to cook this as a kid it was a fav of mine. Fry som

I think my spuds are going well? Got some corn, some peas and beans going too, all new to this so no idea if they're growing well or not lol

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has anyone used hepson salts diluted to perk there cumbers up, i got told it works :hmm: some of the leaves are going yellow and apparently they are lacking something and this works :hmm: any feedback on this would be good :thumbs:

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Well a bit of rain at last lads my plots looking better than last year i have to say. My late spuds are coming in full flower and my winter onions are the size of my fist not doing too bad this year. The cabbages are starting to hart up now aswell. And my beetroot is mint too good old days im very happy. Checked the ph leavels in the soil and thats fine.

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Well our amateur attempt at growing a few bits didn't go too bad a nice few potatoes and onions, plus a load of strawberrys...


Spot on mate, we had a Sunday dinner with our own potatoes at the weekend followed by strawberries and cream for afters....tastes better when you grow it yourself :yes:

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Well our amateur attempt at growing a few bits didn't go too bad a nice few potatoes and onions, plus a load of strawberrys...


Spot on mate, we had a Sunday dinner with our own potatoes at the weekend followed by strawberries and cream for afters....tastes better when you grow it yourself :yes:

I agree mate.. We've had a couple of roasts with the spuds and the onions and garlick have been out in some nice curries... The kids love it though, for what we get out of our small bit it's a lot of effort, but that's not the point, is it....

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Well our amateur attempt at growing a few bits didn't go too bad a nice few potatoes and onions, plus a load of strawberrys...

Spot on mate, we had a Sunday dinner with our own potatoes at the weekend followed by strawberries and cream for afters....tastes better when you grow it yourself :yes:

I agree mate.. We've had a couple of roasts with the spuds and the onions and garlick have been out in some nice curries... The kids love it though, for what we get out of our small bit it's a lot of effort, but that's not the point, is it....


well done newkid ,its not all about the amount youve grown ,its just nice to put something on a plate you have grown yourself, its a great way to get kids to eat veg especially if they help grow it,i got a neighbours kid to help dig a few spuds up a few years ago ,and the kid couldnt belive that spuds grew in the ground :icon_eek::icon_eek: .

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Well our amateur attempt at growing a few bits didn't go too bad a nice few potatoes and onions, plus a load of strawberrys...


Spot on mate, we had a Sunday dinner with our own potatoes at the weekend followed by strawberries and cream for afters....tastes better when you grow it yourself :yes:

I agree mate.. We've had a couple of roasts with the spuds and the onions and garlick have been out in some nice curries... The kids love it though, for what we get out of our small bit it's a lot of effort, but that's not the point, is it....

well done newkid ,its not all about the amount youve grown ,its just nice to put something on a plate you have grown yourself, its a great way to get kids to eat veg especially if they help grow it,i got a neighbours kid to help dig a few spuds up a few years ago ,and the kid couldnt belive that spuds grew in the ground :icon_eek::icon_eek: .

It's mad how some kids have no concept of where foods from, it just comes from tescos lol... Mine come hunting, fishing etc.. At least they know meat is not all shrink wrapped... The little veg patch is an extension of that, makes them more rounded in my opinion... I'm no gardener, but I've enjoyed the little patch, I'm going to plant some more bits, not sure what yet?

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Very happy at the moment just a couple of yards undug which can be done any time.

Purple sprouting is looking settled in



Dwarf french beans shot up



Turnips look happy



Courgettes have really gone loopy I should have given them more breathing room but I will know next year. Picking some every other day




Knocked up some chutney tonight and it was bloody delicious if a bit hot might skip the chilli next time recipie from here







Made mistake of popping in garden centre :( so next you know I have gosgogs :)




planted few more leeks too


looking forward to the spuds though being planted late not expecting great crop.



Got 1st early kestrel then main crop desiree. Apparently the plots suffer wireworm but the desiree seem so be ok but other types get drilled.

Edited by terryd
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