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What A Joke

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My mam got laid off last week, Worked all her life despite her arthiritis from early twenties, sometimes two jobs to put food on the table and clothes on my back, Shes fifty five this year, Shes getting £31.50 a week ,......


Mortgage PPI werent interested either as she was classed as "at risk" as a smoker......


Family over the road never worked a day in their lives between them, Real white trash scumbags, Fat ugly Howling People, Brand new 13 plate Golf mobility car on drive, spent last saturday afternoon letting off fireworks on their front drive, their youngest is 33 years old


And we give these c**ts and those that arrive here everything.....Sickening

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you cant blame them for wanting a better life, its the muppets that let them in. other places dont stand for it and were more cramped in comparison. even the french had the bollocks to ban the burkha.

think theres a typo on the booklet, theres a y on there that shouldnt be.

Edited by treecreeper
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  On 04/02/2013 at 21:16, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

My mam got laid off last week, Worked all her life despite her arthiritis from early twenties, sometimes two jobs to put food on the table and clothes on my back, Shes fifty five this year, Shes getting £31.50 a week ,......


Mortgage PPI werent interested either as she was classed as "at risk" as a smoker......


Family over the road never worked a day in their lives between them, Real white trash scumbags, Fat ugly Howling People, Brand new 13 plate Golf mobility car on drive, spent last saturday afternoon letting off fireworks on their front drive, their youngest is 33 years old


And we give these c**ts and those that arrive here everything.....Sickening

Well that's about right with the system now mate , I know people who don't work and some never have Yet Get Tax Rebates . . . Work That Out Cause Im Fukced If I Can ! Also a lad who has a 13yr old , has never worked or paid a penny Maintinance , though when sent to jail for Dealing Drugs the mother off his kid is bragging how she now receives Maintance "OFF HIM" From the Government because he's in Jail . . . No Love Its "OFF IDIOTS LIKE ME WHO WORK" ! THE WHOLE SYSTEM IS WRONG !
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  On 04/02/2013 at 21:45, staffs riffraff said:

Oh the joys our ruling class put us through. There's gonna be a few terrorists soon and they won't be of the foreign scumbags another yugoslavia in the making mark my words


anyone know where id get a couple tiger cubs lol

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aggggggrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa fcuk sake, fcuking piss take!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 the country's in dept, how much money would we save if we kicked them all out, stopped giving them money that we dont have, i could go on and on, but whats the point, the country's gone to the fcuking dogs, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:

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