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Feeding My New Pup

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hi all,


Yday i got my 1st pup, he's a 5 month old grayhoundx/whippetx (lurcher x lurcher) he was bred from the travaling community so his parents would most likey have worked. I got the dog for free as his last owners kept him as a house pet and simply didn't have the time to walk him properly or hardly at-all. As i went to look at him he clearly had bags of unused energy and went mad from the time i got there to the time i left.


The 1st thing i did was take him out on the bike for 3-4 mile, he was a little unsure at 1st but quickly picked it up but got tired near to the end at this point i slowed right down for him, the same night i took him down the park and i felt confident enough to let him off his lesh, he didn't get 30 yards away from me followed me all the way round, came [BANNED TEXT] i called him. Brilliant i thought.


This morning i had him out for a long 3 hour walk off his leesh jus me an dog an he was as good as gold had him jumping small fence only about 2.5ft but its a sart and pretty good considering his hardly been walked, i am already very proud of my perfect pup. He will sit on command but doesn't seem very interested in fetch type play with empty bottles etc???


Anyway, bloody hell i've rambled on...his previous owners gave me this crap food he must of been eatin, poor lad. Jus wondered what u lads think i should give him, how frequently and how much ? he's about 19-20 inch and 9kg aprox. I want to take him out regularly (walks/bike) and hope he will be much fitter soon. but i don't want to over do it. With regards to this how far do u wreckon i should take him and should this be daily along with his walks ?


He is now much more chilled and stays in his cage [BANNED TEXT] in the house, plans to build a kennel outside for him shortly.



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Guest thebigdog

as has been said, no need for the bike yet. leave the fitness another 5/6 months, let the bones set. As for food, cant go wrong with barf, there is a sub section dedicated to it, in the dogs health section and at 5 month id be feeding him twice a day, which would be cut down to once a day at about a year old. :thumbs:

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Read this one yesterday and didn't have time to post.

Here goes:


Diet - raw sound s good as suggested on here.


Exercise - stop the bikework. Short 30-min on-lead walks are fine for the time being. Mooching and playing off-lead are good too.

Stop the jumping. You have a young dog which has soft bones and growth plates which are still allowing your dog to grow.

Too much exercise this young can damage your dog permanently. Your pup is young, daft and very willing, so out of the partnership you have to take the responsibility to ration the exercise.


Others, probably with a lot more dog experience than me, have suggested you cut down on the exercise too. I know you are keen to get going with your pup, but you can't hurry nature. Fitness is built-in to most lurchers.


Example - my dog is now over 2 and still gets short walks, the odd run at a rabbit, plays with my whippet X bull, and does a little mooching. He's coming along well. I haven't encouraged him to jump, I'll leave that until he's ready himself, although of course he can jump given reason (usually a bunny on the other side of a fence). At this stage in the game I'm happy to reinforce the field basics like coming in when called, going out when told to, and stock-training.



He's deerhound X which take longer to develop than most lurchers, but you get the idea - no hurry.

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