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What Laws Are There For Killing Animals?

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Eg. I've heard that it is illegal for a dog to kill a mouse but not for a cat.


Also I know it's legal to kill pigeons, rabbits and other pests what are the laws on ducks, foxes, pheasants etc (with gamekeeper permission). What animals cannot be killed by law eg. Swans.


I'm just starting out so I keep to the right side of the rules and regs.




Ps. Also looking for start up kit as cheap as chips. Eg. Cartridge bag, ear defs. I have nothing at the moment and a VERY tight budget as wife on maternity with our 14 week old and have a 4y/o too.


Thanks for your time viewing my topic.

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  On 02/02/2013 at 09:11, steiuk said:

Eg. I've heard that it is illegal for a dog to kill a mouse but not for a cat.


Also I know it's legal to kill pigeons, rabbits and other pests what are the laws on ducks, foxes, pheasants etc (with gamekeeper permission). What animals cannot be killed by law eg. Swans.


I'm just starting out so I keep to the right side of the rules and regs.




Ps. Also looking for start up kit as cheap as chips. Eg. Cartridge bag, ear defs. I have nothing at the moment and a VERY tight budget as wife on maternity with our 14 week old and have a 4y/o too.


Thanks for your time viewing my topic.

have a read on the basc website http://www.basc.org.uk/en/codes-of-practice/respect-for-quarry.cfm

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  On 02/02/2013 at 09:11, steiuk said:

Eg. I've heard that it is illegal for a dog to kill a mouse but not for a cat.


Also I know it's legal to kill pigeons, rabbits and other pests what are the laws on ducks, foxes, pheasants etc


not ALWAYS, all ANIMALS including pests have laws protecting them, just at cetain times, or certain circumstances the law allows you to take certain pests species

from the way you have worded your post, I'd say you need to do a lot more reading before even worrying about the "kit"

do you have a cert?



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Hi paulus' I've saved that link and will have a read later. Thanks.


Hi stubby. I don't have cert yet, will apply for either this month or next month, hense the reason for getting a few accessories in the meantime :)


Will be shooting with a couple of experienced chaps who'll guide me for now. I'm a very sensible' responsible person which is why I'm taking the effort to learn the law. If out on the field I am unsure of a shot, I just wouldn't take it. :)


Thanks for your replies ;)

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ear defenders dont buy cheap, you cant replace ears

everything else is not needed, well apart from your gun,

stick carts in your pockets,

aint the guys you go with got all the gear, if so, use theirs, or see if they have bits spare to sell you cheaply, more likely to help you if they are mates and no your situation, rather than a forum where no one knows you from adam...

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Thanks, The One. I could google, but thought creating a thread would open a discussion and be a bit more sociable. :laugh:


Thanks again Stubby but I'm not after freebies from the forums, just bargains and I'm not talking 99p for defs I just mean cheaper than usual (dont ask dont get). The chaps have there own defs which I can borrow but its hard for 3 of us to wear 2 sets simultaneously. I can take your advise on keeping cartridges in pockets but I'm wanting to get set-up with the right gear. My main idea is to buy items steadily not all at once. :victory:

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You can buy ear defenders from £10 and £50 will buy you a pair of electric 1s that mean you can hear low noises e.g talking but help block out louder noises e.g shots but they are quite big n clomsey I find it hard to shoot with them on but depends on personal preferance at end of the day there's electric ones that go in ur ear like hearing aids but reduce lound noises but still let you hear talking etc I havnt heard any reviews but they seem the best in my eyes any way

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Also with birds while you can shoot pigieons or crows all year round there are execptions for example during nesting season you are able to be convicted as your disturbing nesting birds or somthing along those lines but there are several ways round this

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  On 03/02/2013 at 01:27, d.nelson said:

Also with birds while you can shoot pigieons or crows all year round there are execptions for example during nesting season you are able to be convicted as your disturbing nesting birds or somthing along those lines but there are several ways round this

yes if its on farmers fields, no if its in the garden, there always has to be a good reason, even with pests, many people will get away with it for years, until one person complains

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Back to ear defenders.....buy the best you can find ,spare no cost...AND WEAR THEM ...This advice comes from someone who uses the words ....pardon, what,hey. excuse me , could you repeat that, sorry etc etc ...being deaf is no fun ......wish i knew then what i know now ..!!

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