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New And Looking For Jill's And Local People That Use Ferrets In Kent

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I think everyone has taken me totally the wrong way .... I didn't mean to upset anyone and i was abit stubborn but its only because I'm very into the sport now and I may not know everything but I am at least trying to get everyone's point of view .... I am sorry for the upset .... I think this topic should be forgotten as I think I've taken enough now


Also I may have come across abit different to you guys because my communication skills aren't very good due to Asperjerz and what I say or write may sound different to me when i read it very sorry


Again I hope I haven't upset to meany people with this topic I shall just stop posting for now because I don't want to have this again lol


I apologize for wasting people's time

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I think everyone has taken me totally the wrong way .... I didn't mean to upset anyone and i was abit stubborn but its only because I'm very into the sport now and I may not know everything but I am at least trying to get everyone's point of view .... I am sorry for the upset .... I think this topic should be forgotten as I think I've taken enough now


Also I may have come across abit different to you guys because my communication skills aren't very good due to Asperjerz and what I say or write may sound different to me when i read it very sorry


Again I hope I haven't upset to meany people with this topic I shall just stop posting for now because I don't want to have this again lol


I apologize for wasting people's time

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You've wasted nobodys time and don't stop posting....just don't ask for advice ....then ignore it :thumbs:its not 3 strikes and your out....its only the internet,dont take it too seriously :laugh: respects a two way thing ,give a bit youll get some back.Takes a man to apologise :thumbs: ATB Dave

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  On 02/02/2013 at 19:19, northern lad said:

You've wasted nobodys time and don't stop posting....just don't ask for advice ....then ignore it :thumbs:its not 3 strikes and your out....its only the internet,dont take it too seriously :laugh: respects a two way thing ,give a bit youll get some back.Takes a man to apologise :thumbs: ATB Dave


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i would'nt breed from your ferrets just yet pal if you've just started ferreting get a few seasons behind you first before you think about breeding. i know you'll be keen as we all were when we first started but just slow down a bit and enjoy working the ferrets you've got and take peoples advice and learn from it there's some decent lads on here that will give you good advise like rake so don't stop posting pal atb :thumbs:

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I bred once, my two jills had 17 kits,i didnt keep any and thought i had homes for them all, some before they were born and a few when they were born so i had done what i could to re-home them,then people let me down and backed out (a few on here too be honest) but i did manage to get them all sorted in the end,my two jills are neutered now and i got two kits last year and they will be spayed this week,

You can usually get Ferrets for nothing or a few quid so my advice would be to buy them in,in your case it will be the other person who has to care for them as it will be their jill.

Remember at a few months old the Jills will come into season.

Buy a Jill if you want and get her spayed,

i only work Jills

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I have bred litters and found it can get out of control so easily you have to consider what you are going to feed all wee hungery mouths on 1 rabbit does not rear them and with the hunting season coming to an end think carefully buy a few ferret kits iI am sure there is a few guys on here will help you out it is less hasell and less expensive.

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Yeah mate as already said dont bother breeding them. Get a another one if you feel you need it get out catch some bunnies learn and most of all enjoy it. This site can be a tad serious at times but theres plenty of good advice too. All the best with your rabbiting.

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