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Pork In Mussie Prison Food

Guest thebigdog

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never mind prisions


we carnt even protest now



Unfortunately, a High Court injunction has been granted today that prohibits tomorrow's demonstration at the home of Abu Qatada.

Ignoring this injunction will lead to Paul Pitt, Paul Golding, Jim Dowson, Andy McBride, and others to be prosecuted for Contempt of Court and almost certainly imprisoned.

Please do not press ahead with tomorrow's demonstration, as you will be PERSONALLY liable for arrest for breaching the injunction.

We have been warned by the police that this will be the case.

We intend to fight this injunction all the way and in two weeks time we will be in in the High Court again to fight it (15th of February).

The enemies of free speech and the defenders of Islamic terrorists might think they have won a victory, but instead they have simply united us all to fight back!

Our united team is preparing a robust and formidable response to today's attack on free speech - please stay posted for more details.

Although today's decision by the highest court in the land has temporarily scuppered our plans for tomorrow, we intend to use this outrage as an excuse to unleash a flurry of demos/activities.

We will NOT back down, we will NOT cave in, and we will NOT let up in our campaign to get Qatada out of the country.


- No demos within 500 meters of Abu Qatada's house.

- Organisations named on injunction: English National Resistance, Britain First, English Defence League, South East Alliance, English Democrats, March for England.

- Individuals named on injunction (in order): Paul Golding, Paul Pitt, Robin Tilbrook, Jim Dowson, Andy McBride, Kevin Carol, Trevor Kelway, Joel Titus, "persons unnamed".

- Breach of this injunction constitutes Contempt of Court.

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All UK prisoners are fed Halal meat.   It's a fecking scandal in my opinion.   Anyway, I'd feed 'em nowt but British bacon sarnies for all three meals a day.

You are right Rio, all meat is killed with a knife in the UK.   The difference is that 'normal' meat is stunned first, and isn't subjected to being restrained while some foreigner says a prayer over

Message to Muslims: If you can't eat the swine, don't do the crime!

id keep the costs down and cleanse the lot of the smelly raghead twats a good shower and some zylcone should do the trick then make use of them grind them up for fertilizer i did think of feeding them to the pigs but i wouldn t be that cruel to the poor old piggy

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You are right Rio, all meat is killed with a knife in the UK.


The difference is that 'normal' meat is stunned first, and isn't subjected to being restrained while some foreigner says a prayer over it prior to slicing it's throat (as opposed to sticking it).


My issue with Halal isn't that it's killed with a knife, it's the restraint and general lack of respect for the animal prior to actually killing it.


Put it in a stun box, stun it, shackle it, and stick it. All very quick and humane. Put it in a crush, turn it upside down, mumble some foreign mumbo jumbo over it before you slice through it's neck (and windpipe) and then watch it bleed slowly - very slow and inhumane.


Make your own choices people. I choose not to buy the crap.

shackle it first before you stun it ................... :laugh:

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were losing our island of that much im sure of,and if you thought the riots were bad in london.wait till the romanians and bulgarians land here.they f***ing hate each other,and dont have any concept of what law and order is.f**k there barely civillised.

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my works canteen is halal an ex soldier i work with said theyre served halal food aswell dont know if its true or not even kingsmill bread is halal lol. in news that nationalists are prohibited from demonstrating near abu qatardas house if they do they will go to prison lol what a country.

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see all the d i ckhead politicians that defend these curry smelling pieces of sh1te they need executed with the ragheads. i really think tony blair has a lot to answer to in the uk he should be tried for warcrimes and treason to the uk he needs to hang his head in shame for what hes done to the uk

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I get really pissed off with folks telling me that I'm cruel because I kill things.


I always do what I do as humanely as possible, and yet people still buy New Zealand lamb because it's cheap, and do nothing about all prisoners in Britain being fed Halal crap.


Did you realise that all imported New Zealand lamb is Halal? Think about that when you buy your joint of meat for sunday.

What a load of shite! Please citations for this.....And I don't mean the daily fail.

Its ignorant statement and posts like this that cause more bother than is necessary.

Do you actually know how Halal meat is prodused?

jeez pissed oof ning

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