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The Saluki

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I did like Tina though she was out of Lucky wasn't she? But I heard she jacked? ...or is that just bullshit?

:laugh: your on your own Fuji, batter in boys :laugh:

bless anothe 2 pages or so and we will be on the death threats and challenge races booked for april time :laugh::laugh:

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Aye the good old saluki is very popular. For me, the guys who own them fall into 2 categories... The coin chasers and the wannabees. The coin chasers are easy to spot, they have a selection of pups al

I see more saluki xs too but see plenty bull xs saluki xs tend to be popular at the min just a shame not everyone who gets one treat them right

here you are Baw,

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What happened too these two pups Andy.

Those red fawn pups got killed T7 infact out of 9 none seen past 14 month old,everyone of them got killed..they were fecking crazy do or die merchants..they all killed themselves by being just too keen..fences,ditches,farm machinery you name it they bit the dust because of them..unbelievable but that's what happened to them.

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