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The Saluki

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Aye the good old saluki is very popular. For me, the guys who own them fall into 2 categories... The coin chasers and the wannabees. The coin chasers are easy to spot, they have a selection of pups al

I see more saluki xs too but see plenty bull xs saluki xs tend to be popular at the min just a shame not everyone who gets one treat them right

here you are Baw,

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Aye they were braw riohog lol. They're too wise now, they just ignore lol

;) someone will take the bait .. they allways do :laugh:

As long as its not f***ing Tommy C :laugh: ill say my goodbyes the now :D

agin!!! lol bless the luki no finer animal has graced the deserts of east anglia :tongue2:

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Aye the good old saluki is very popular. For me, the guys who own them fall into 2 categories... The coin chasers and the wannabees. The coin chasers are easy to spot, they have a selection of pups all year round, more interested in saving face than running hares. Come out with patter like..... I wouldn't get out of bed for £500 stud fees. They even have been known to sell frozen spunk of dogs long gone. Usually have over inflated egos, have totally forgot why they got into the game in the first place. They see ££££ signs instead of hares.


The wannabees are more abundant. They can be easily spotted. Nose constantly brown, know the lineage of every saluki cross going back generations. They normally have a pup from the coin chasers, might not be directly but even if its a second cousin of the dogs auntie, they'll let you know about it. They like to be the first to let everyone know what the coin chasers are doing and how they were given the privilege of walking in the same field as their chosen hero. Every dog that isn't from lineage they know of is no use. Information to the wannabee is god, the more they know the better, even better if its a secret. They generally have several pups coming along at the one time, all worldbeaters like their favourite coin chasers.


If I was standing in the street. Guy coming towards me on my left with a saluki..... Guy right approaching with a scruffy lurcher. Both asked me to go out for a chase..... I know who I'd go with every time :yes:


hit the nail on the head ..well said

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well in my opinion, In my younger days, Lurchers, running dogs, was all about a bit of country sport, if your dog could take a Hare, in the winter time he was a decent dog, one hare, an a couple of rabbits, was classed as a good mornings walk, good exercise for boy and the dog, the main point, was to put meat on the table, dont forget those days were ration books, and thats were the collie x stood, out a mile, ((( well up here in Scotland, maybe not down in the rich south, and a nice plump pheasant, was the cherry on the cake, so time progressed, the 60s was by far the best time in this country, work for all,

thats who wanted to work, as I said before the introduction of the saluki,and the x, but believe me, there was some sorrow sites amongst them, but a good one was good, for coursing, there is none better, yes greed set in and it is here, but you can not blame the man for making money out of his dog, here today, men are not Happy with three out of three, they want this super dog, due to the fact some guys got Lucky and got 5/5 and 6/6 but they are very few, only on soft Hares, Hares at this moment,if they are strong and Healthy take some chocking, ((( especially if they have been dogged before Hand, in fact your dog might not be good enough for that wee warrior, I heard from a mate, dogs was getting straight lined, they couldnt get up to put a bend in, that is fact,,, the Saluki has enhanced the running dog, especially on big land, tempramental, but can do there job and well, you just have to be patient, and some times just take a seat ((( thats if the ground is dry, they will come back, some times 20 minutes or more, frustating, heart in the mouth, but when he comes over the horizon with his prize in his mouth all is forgiven, the Saluki,

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I travel round the country to lurcher shows in the summer,,, and without dowt the most common type at shows,, is bull crosses,,, closely followed by bitsa types. the saluki type is not as common at shows,, I think the reason for this is they do poorly in the ring. Most shows seem to be won by bitsa types

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Hmmmm borderlad. Yes the saluki cross is good on big land like the fens. But let's not beat about the bush. The fens are what they are because you can see the whole chase and if your betting or matching, this is what you want. The way you talk it's as if the saluki is a progression in the dog world, a step up. Young lads reading this might think, f**k getting other crosses, lets go straight to the saluki, it's the best. Whereas we know that's far from the case. You can take your best saluki to places and they will get straight Lind where other faster types are needed. You need the right dog for the right ground. If you have large areas then fine, saluki rule but most of us don't. As for sitting down for 20 minutes waiting on the dog returning after a chase. If I needed to do that after a chase, the c**t would need to bring more than a f***ing hare back to save my size 9 disappearing up his jacksy

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Baw why do you think salukis are slow ? I know most of this is a wind up,,, but honestly you ain't seen many run,,,if any .


On the flip side ,, I have,, and timed them on hedge land.. And seen them kill on the same land,,, and some big names

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Hmmmm borderlad. Yes the saluki cross is good on big land like the fens. But let's not beat about the bush. The fens are what they are because you can see the whole chase and if your betting or matching, this is what you want. The way you talk it's as if the saluki is a progression in the dog world, a step up. Young lads reading this might think, f**k getting other crosses, lets go straight to the saluki, it's the best. Whereas we know that's far from the case. You can take your best saluki to places and they will get straight Lind where other faster types are needed. You need the right dog for the right ground. If you have large areas then fine, saluki rule but most of us don't. As for sitting down for 20 minutes waiting on the dog returning after a chase. If I needed to do that after a chase, the c**t would need to bring more than a f***ing hare back to save my size 9 disappearing up his jacksy



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Baw why do you think salukis are slow ? I know most of this is a wind up,,, but honestly you ain't seen many run,,,if any .


On the flip side ,, I have,, and timed them on hedge land.. And seen them kill on the same land,,, and some big names

Now your at the wind up tomo lol. I've seen salukis straight lined, I've seen them carried off the field. I've also seen some decent animals but you can call them anything but fast isn't a term I'd use. You double up a saluki with a really good 3/4 collie grey and the saluki will be a spectator at best, seen it happen. Aye you'll get quicker salukis than those fen plodders and I know they don't need speed in the locker but saluki fast??? :laugh:

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I travel round the country to lurcher shows in the summer,,, and without dowt the most common type at shows,, is bull crosses,,, closely followed by bitsa types. the saluki type is not as common at shows,, I think the reason for this is they do poorly in the ring. Most shows seem to be won by bitsa types

It's the same in the field tomo, bitsa rule there too :tongue2:

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