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the tropical fish thread has inspired me to aquire a male betta. after research i like the half moon variety most, how much will this cost? will i need a water heater? what temp does the water need to be? what do i feed them?


i have looked online but there is so many different opinions and info, so i want some info off someone who has been there and done it.

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Guest long-tail

it can get quite complicated this tropical fish keeping lark,not like chucking a goldfish in a bowl of water, pay you to get on with a decent book,i kept a variety of fish over the years some requiring different needs than others a good book to keep refering to is a must imo :thumbs:

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your best bet mate would be to go to your local aquatic shop ask there advice and stick to theres ,it can become mind bogling the amount of different information you will get from people ,try to find a good shop, pets at home barely know there arse from there elbow .

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Fish shops won't advise you that they will be perfectly happy in a small unfiltered tank. The almond leaves add stuff to the water which the fish like, not sure why they do but it perks the fish up. They also use it in Thailand to harden the fishes scales I think. There's feck all complicated with keeping them, don't overfeed them, don't let the water get too messy and don't stick 2 males together ;) some of the females can be a tad touchy with eachother too but in general can be kept together. Keep them somewhere warmish or put a heater in the tank, keeps them a bit more active.

The betta food and almond extract are labelled with attison phumchoosri ??? On them, he has/had a decent website showing all the different types of betta.

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If you got a few bob spare these little tanks make a nice little ornament for a Betta they have a small heater/filter/light etc small enough to put on a shelf and decorated with some small stones/plants/sand etc are much nicer to look at than a plain jar.



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Yeah those tanks are good, i use a lot of small tanks with sponge filters for the shrimp, bettas would thrive in these.










The almond leaves acidify the water a little, and make it more like the streams and puddles shrimp and bettas live.

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I used to breed bettas a few years ago, they are very easy to look after. They can live in very low oxygenated water, but I would still recommend using a small filter to keep the water clean, however make sure the water is as still as possible or the longer fin types will die quickly from trying to swim against the current and it's not natural for them. Also don't let them see a reflection, they will display and look nice but the stress of it will likely kill them. Other than that, I used to feed mine on blood worms and mosquito larvae, it's a good all round food and I think the blood worm helps bring out their colour, you can buy them in big frozen blocks pretty cheap and just snap little bits off every day and thaw it out in warm water. You can keep them with other fish, I never had any trouble with them and guppies unlike a lot of people's advice against it but they are an easy target for other fin nipping fish.

Good luck, you will do well if you cock it up they are easier than gold fish to keep

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I keep a beautiful Betta in the 46L Fluval Edge which I got for Christmas, along with a few tetras and some endlers guppies. He seems pretty happy in there, but I dont fill the water right to the top to allow him to breath through the surface (which Bettas need to do). I added a heater to the Edge, as this isn't included in the set up. As said previously they like blood worms and also like live food like daphnia & brine shrimps.



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cheers guys, im glad they arent hard work to look after, as i dont really want to be fecking around too much. do they need water changes every week, 1/4 water changes i heard? i will have a dig in the loft as we have loads of tanks/filters etc left over from goldfish escapades. cheers.

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