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Windy Night With The R10


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Went out the other night but didnt quite realise how windy it was but having arrived at my permission i decided to give it a go anyway.


I found a hedge row with a bit of shelter and sat and waited for a few minutes. Put the light on and had a scan round and nothing! waited a bit longer and again light on and nothing. Decided to move a bit further up and sat and waited again.Put the light on and bingo a couple of pairs of eyes at the side of the hedge. Put the lamp onto a dim red setting and lined the cross hairs up on the first pair of eyes,pulled the trigger and down it went. had another quick scan round and could see some more eyes further up so i decided to creep up a bit nearer. Got within 45/50 yards and set the gun down on the bipod and lined up again. Another one bit the dust!!.after another short walk i found some more feeding out in the field and managed one more.


So all in all not a bad hour shooting.post-75141-0-68168600-1359654443.jpg

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