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Last Day Of The Season.

Daz 7

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I know it's not an Airgun hunt but has it's the Last Day of the Season i thought Feck it. :D

Had to have a last Blast at water fowling today until Next season, So bugger it :laugh::icon_redface:

Perfect weather for the Ducks has it was Blowing a Gale, We Missed the First flight in has they were absolutely Pegging it in,

Faster Than Mr T can get into a Dress. :icon_redface::bad: :bad:

Got this Mallard which was My Best of the season 40 yrds and coming in at a right Pace!!! But dropped Him with a 32gr size 6.5 shot.

So Happy till the next season starts.

atvb Daz 7.




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It's good fun Definitely bud,


Try flighting Has the Pigeons come in fast and furious which is a Blast, alot better than

Decoying which is good but Flighting gets the Blood pumping, Especially Windy Days where You

have to give alot of lead.


atvb Daz 7.

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I work my dogs on a small local shoot. This year has been a bit of a wash out, as the guns have taken over the running and they are, let's say not fully up to it. On several of the shoot days only one or two of the guns would turn up and when it came to "beaters day" none of them did.

So when beaters day come round and no guns turned up I took my girls round the woods to see what they would put up. I usually take my old father-in-laws side by side but instead I took the wife's 20b semi, as I had loads of ammo for that and not much 12b.

Anyway about half way round the woods up goes the first woodcock, boy do those buggers shift. Well to my surprise one shot and down it came. A bit further round and a big fat cock pheasant went up, this one took two shots to come down but down it did. There is something wonderful about going out with your dogs that you have spent a long time training, flushing shooting and retrieving.





Shoot by McShug, on Flickr


Then on the last day of the season I had the chance to pop out again as I finished work at 2 so had a couple of hours before last light. Home, change, gun out of the cabinet, dogs in the car and off. Again I was on my own but after a short while a woodcock was flushed and blow me if I did not get that one. As the light was starting to fade I started back to the car, and all of a sudden about 12 feet in front of me up pops another one. Now I left this one for just a fraction of a second to let it get clear of the dogs, this one took two shots but still to my absolute amazement it dropped. Quick retrieve and back to the car.




So that is the end of the season. Time to give the dogs a bit of a rest, well one is off for pups soon.


Time to get the air rifle out and have a go at those squeakers and bunnys.

Edited by McShug
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