Colin-_-Mac 0 Posted January 30, 2013 Report Share Posted January 30, 2013 I got a new ferret yesterday so today i decided to go out with my two ferrets and give them a little run trew a few burrows..I was only out about an hour and a half and did about 4 ditches..I decided to bring out a little jack russel aswell that never went hunting before in her life.. So anyway me and my friend got the two ferrets the dog and the jack russel and walked down two fields.We see a few rabbits goin in up in the other corner as we were getting into the field.With that i got out the new ferret and put the bells on her. I ran her in the first hole and as i did i herd a dog barking so i asks my friend is the dog with him and he says i turns and looks back up the ditch i climbed over and the little jack russel thing is bombing it on top of the ditch barking on a rabbit.So anyway i got the dog and carried on doing the rest of the ditch but got no bolt. So we crosses the fiel to the next ditch and runs the ferret again at the top where i seen the rabbits go in when i first came into the field..Ferret was gone anyway for about 30 seconds and bolt a rabbit comes out next to me.Im holding a fishing net and tries to put it over the rabbit but it just hits the side of him.I runs down the ditch after the rabbit to see where he was going and as i turns BOLT another one comes out abd goes the opposite direction..With that the ferret comes out where the rabbit came out so i grab her and walk down the ditch a bit and runs her again.No more bolts until we come to the end of the ditch when she bolts one on my friends side and the shes missing for about 2-3 minutes and comes back out with fur on her claws.. So anyway i put her back in the box and gets into the field with my friend and decides to do the ditch below us but decides to run my other ferret.. We runs her the whole way up that ditch but nothing on it. So we go to our last ditch back up the field to the top again..Runs the ferret from the start of the ditch but nothing happens..About halfway up the ditch fine fresh burrow so i gets the ferret and puts her in she goes in and travels up a bit and pops her head out and turns again and goes back.Then dont see or hear her anymore for about 5-6 minutes at least..I was starting to get panicky at this stage as i was only using bells..I was walking up and down the ditch and up on top of it and everywhere but no sign of her.But while all this is going on the jack russel is stuck to one burrow on the opposite side watching up and tryin to push her way up the burrow so i listens up to that burrow but hears nothing so i decided to go back over to the burrow i put her in first and listens up their for a few seconds but hears nothing..So with that i start to walk back up the ditch and out a small little hole on the ditch bang a rabbit comes out with my ferret stuck to its back but just as i go to grab the rabbit up on the ditch the ferret leaves it go and the rabbit bolts and gets away B ut the ferret turns and runs back in the burrow with fur on the bells in her mouth and on her claws...The bells are after clogging up at this stage.. she goes in and goes down left handed so i starts walking back down the ditch again and BOLT another rabbit bolts out the fresh hole i put her in first and the ferret comes out behind him... So i grabs the ferret and clears out the bells and goes up the ditch another bit because it got a bit hairy... Up another bit then the jack russel tries to push on up a burrow so i puts the ferret down and she tries to go up the burrow and the jack russel comes back out (have picture) with that the ferret goes in and travels up right. gone about a minute and BOLT a rabbit bolts out the other side to my friend the ferret comes out and he grabs her and its at the end of the ditch so we decide to call it a day.. I am ordering a locator and collar on friday and am goin buying nets over the weekend.. But still all in all i enjoyed it all i wanted to do was leave the ferrets out of the hutch for awhile Attached Thumbnails Quote Link to post
reddawn 2,173 Posted January 30, 2013 Report Share Posted January 30, 2013 youll get some good sport way a locator an nets pal, sounds as tho ye wee russel is starting to mark, honour her marks an she will come along in no time, try not letting her right up the burrows tho 1 Quote Link to post
carp man 1 219 Posted January 30, 2013 Report Share Posted January 30, 2013 sounds like u had fun bud wait till u get all the equipment and get your self bk out 1 Quote Link to post
Country Joe 1,411 Posted January 30, 2013 Report Share Posted January 30, 2013 Looks like you Lads are going to have good sport, when you can afford it, get some spun poly nets there's info on the top of the page who makes them, and get yourself a pair of secateurs. Handy for clearing round the burys. Some cocktail sticks, handy for tree burys if you have any where you go. you stick a couple in the bark and hang the net from them. and if you have sent for a finder, you will need a spade. 1 Quote Link to post
The one 8,522 Posted January 30, 2013 Report Share Posted January 30, 2013 sounds like you had a good day your going to have fun when the rest of your gear comes 1 Quote Link to post
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