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Help Asap Tx 200Hc

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Yeah same as! As I removed this spring the piston weight was completely wedged in it. Could this of been the cause.

.........no matter what spring was it a tx200 it could not go as high as 25 ftlbs [ I could be wrong] .I have also noticed with a to powerful spring a drop in power because the piston bouncing back and cutting the spring increasing power [on a different spring gun but similar power as a tx].To get that power level you must be dieseling .oil on pellets ..oil around the breech..grease or oil in air chamber..I would check that first ..Assuming your gun is a standard tx .
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Yes mate it's a standard tx! When I put the old spring back in there was no problem at all

....... if you put the new spring back and the gun shoots at 25 ftlbs and there is no smoke when you shoot the gun .then I guess you have to cut the spring or get a less powerful spring .
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Right. Got home tonight and stripped it down again. Looks like I put too much grease in the cylinder. So cleaned and all degreased put all back together and still running hot. 13.5ftlb so how do I get this down, only one washer on the spring. Do I need to chop it or just add more grease to the spring. Also I never greased the rear of the piston could this have an effect.


Thanks for all your comments guys been really helpful.

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I believe the tx needs very little grease .that is why it has the plastic rings for the piston to ride on .you could remove all packing washers .if all the excessive grease has been removed out of the piston [air chamber] if there is loads of grease behind the piston that is ok BUT to much grease behind the air chamber will get into the air chamber in time ,so not putting to much grease is the best thing to do .just a tiny amount of grease in air chamber will diesel .if the front of the piston [air chamber] has no grease AT ALL .and all the packing washers are removed and you shoot your gun and it shoots consistently at 13.5 .50 to 100 shots then you have to chop the spring .If your gun is a 22 then I would think that is more likely .also tx do a 177 spring and a 22 spring I think .I would chop my spring down but I have a lathe so I would make a top hat to deal with the sharp end of the spring .but getting a less powerful spring may be better for you. People claim to heat the end of the spring [red hot]and collapse it .you will have to let the metal cool slowly for any chance of success , but I cannot see how doing this does not damage the hardening and tempering of the spring leaving you back were you started a cr.p spring.

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