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Cleaning Moderator

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Soak then in petrol. (In a safe place, not near naked flames etc) or buy some crud cutter. Don't worry to much as long as you get the thick stuff off and unburnt powder. I have the scirocco as well. After cleaning smear a small amount of coper grease around the edge of each baffle before re inserting, this will make it easier to remove next time. White or red silicone grease can also be used if you can get it.

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Ok. I've got them soaking in warm soapy water ATM

Nothing wrong with warm soapy water, that is what I use on mods that won't come apart like some of the full bore mods. With a rimfire though it may not be enough. Dry it off well, or stick it in the airing cupboard or on low in the oven. You can also use green scouring pad gently if you need to.

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Don't clean them, seriously, check it out, general concensus id let them, (baffles) fur up.


What you cleaning out anyway, ti's an air rifle.

He got it on a rimfire. Why then do manufacturers give you cleaning and dismantling instructions, and even those like the bruger and thomet top end ones that don't dismantle come with cleaning instructions. Just seems a little strange not to clean them and what can the benefits be of not cleaning them.

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Don't clean them, seriously, check it out, general concensus id let them, (baffles) fur up.


What you cleaning out anyway, ti's an air rifle.

He got it on a rimfire. Why then do manufacturers give you cleaning and dismantling instructions, and even those like the bruger and thomet top end ones that don't dismantle come with cleaning instructions. Just seems a little strange not to clean them and what can the benefits be of not cleaning them.


Scirrocco bit got me, thinking Theoban.


But a stand by what I said, they are quieter when mucky, but, yes they want a clean eventually.


Petrol is a no no.


Pressure washer for mine, then a compressed air drying

Edited by cyclonebri1
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