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Hw35K Limited Edition

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Lose the ox spring mate, by all accounts they ruin a perfectly good airgun.


You can get a decent one from sandwell field sports, with a corresponding spring guide that will do the action a lot more good. The more technically able lads will able to tell you how to do it yourself if you want to and don't know how, our a any decent gun shop'll be able to do it in no time.


Hope this helps


Cheers, wurz

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Oh dear! Why did you put an Ox in an HW35?


It's not spring bound or it wouldn't Twang at all, it wouldn't cock.


Do you still have the original spring? or was it Fooked?


Th HW35 is a great shooting gun pretty much standard, Mine has only had a polish and a lube and it fires fantastically smooth with a reassuring thud and no Twang at about 10.26 with AA fields


Maybe not the most powerful rifle out there, but the sum of its parts will give any rifle a run for its money imho, I can knock Bunnies over at 30-35yrds which is about the limit of my shooting ability anyway.


Chuck the Ox and get an original spring or even better, a Kit or a tune from one of the reputable tuning guys.,


Good luck and Enjoy your rifle

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Hi lads ive got a hw35k ive put a ox spring in it and it makes a hell of a twang now wondered if it would be spring bound and need some taking off thanks alot


Get RID of the Ox mate, get a Titan XS or standard HW spring and go from there!



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