Guest Ditch_Shitter Posted July 15, 2007 Report Share Posted July 15, 2007 I took the rifle for a pre planned little wander tonight. I've been mouching about and knew exactly which field I wanted to watch over. Knew where the cattle were and where I could and couldn't point the thing. As usual, nothing happened. But, as usual, I came home completely chilled out and feeling warmly refreshed Then, as I sat here debriefing myself in my own head, I thought of something crazy; ' What if I'd had a High Seat? '. All at once that seemed like such a good idea, I'm filled with visions of going out with an arm full of timber and a pouch of good nails. I'd be 'up'. Therefore always firing down. Virtually every shot would, by definition, be a 'safe' shot. No need to worry about my scent drifting in the wrong direction ~ this being a major concern tonight as, what little air movement there was was carrying into the field I wanted to watch. I had no choice as to position though. My corner allowed me a field of fire from 12 to 2 o'clock. Best I could get without the risk of opening fire on a distant cottage or some much closer cattle. If I'd have been in a High Seat ....? So, what's the craic, please, lads? In my younger days I've climbed into a tree with a shot gun and waited for rats to show themselves below. Just sat there on a branch. I think I'm past that now. Hurt my back just climbing over a damn gate on the way back. (Hell, I hurt my f*cking self only this morning; Lacing my boots and coughing, or something. Just got over the chest pain, now it's my back! Out of pain killers too. Jesus but it's a bitch getting old!) So; What's to be told? Tell me, please. Do ye nail bits of wood up a tree? Or are any of these portable jobbie's I've seen really humanly, practically portable? Are they worth a light and do they cost a ransom? In all honesty; I prefer the thought of having such a sneaky vantage point 'permanently' available over several fields, rather than having one thing which would need dragging across the bog for half a day and then another half a day getting it safely positioned. What time does one get into position in these things? How long do ye stay? I really know jack about them. I just know that sitting or laying on the ground, around here, presents enough 'non target' targets and awkward rises in the ground, long grass etc. that the thought of being able to rise above it all and open fire, safely, on all I survey sounds way cool. Pro's? Con's? Nitty gritty? Speak to Ditch Shitter; Please Quote Link to post
Phil Lloyd 10,738 Posted July 15, 2007 Report Share Posted July 15, 2007 (edited) High seats, to be a good idea, eh Edited July 17, 2007 by CHALKWARREN Quote Link to post
Simoman 110 Posted July 15, 2007 Report Share Posted July 15, 2007 As you know,..I no longer kill the deer,..but I did have a relaxing piss from the top Quote Link to post
bshadle 5 Posted July 15, 2007 Report Share Posted July 15, 2007 Ditch, We use them extensively here, mostly for deer and bear. There are also some designed to be totally free-standing so you can set them up in the middle of a field and hunt anything that might show up. A decent place to see various types and get some information is: (sorry to always give merchants over here, just not familiar with yours);navAction=jump The smaller, lighter ones make me nervous. Just not enough seat for my fat a$$ up in a tree, especially if the wind blows and makes the tree sway or I have to lean out to line up a shot. A lot of the ones the call "climbers" are very sturdy and many of them are pretty portable. The better ones weigh aroung 20 - 25 lbs, about 10 Kg or so. Not too bad to carry in and the back out at the end of the day. The heavier ones, particularly the ladder stands and free-standing ones can weigh from 40 lbs up to over 100 lbs, 20 - 50 Kg, and are really designed to be drug in at the start of the season and drug back out at the end or even left up from year to year. Nailing wood to a tree is not usually a good idea. First, it's illegal here unless you own the tree or have permission from the person who does. More important though, you have to be very careful that the wood is fastened solidly and hasn't rotted or the fasteners rusted since the last time you used it. My bones are too old and brittle to take too many falls from trees anymore. How long to stay in them depends a lot on what you're hunting and how long you want to do it. Some folks here will be in them before daylight and stay there until after dark. Quote Link to post
Guest Ditch_Shitter Posted July 15, 2007 Report Share Posted July 15, 2007 Wow! This is Really firing my imagination! Last might it was just a muse. Now I'm already wondering if I can find time to wander out to a couple of my favourite locations and start looking up some trees, rather than round them! Chalks; I think if I'd ever found the nerve to mount that relic, I too would have needed a 'relaxing piss' ~ or something! Damn thing looks as old, decrepit and downright dangerous as me with a rifle! Bshadle; Superb link, mate! Cheers! I looked at the british Bay last night. Found something called the " Tree Creeper ". Quite scary. It's one of those many formed things which ye appear to strap on. Stand on. Inch up and ..... Oh f*ck all that! Not at my age ye don't! I could just see my back going after the first few feet and me looking like a right fruit case; Swinging from my harness and screaming the night away. FFS! No. Those " Non Typical " rails look the business though. Seen them? Little, light sections of stood off ladders that ye strap to the tree? I like that idea! In fact, the whole thing about basicly using cargo straps to hold a ladder in place has got me thinking again. Like, just how high would I need to be? Fifteen foot? That's plenty damn high enough once ye up there! Twenty's got to be the maximum, surely to god? High as a f*cking house! Maybe fifteen then? Can't help thinking about the practicality of just buying a light duty set of rung ladders, some brown and green spray paints and a couple of those cargo straps. I could fix my ladder to a tree and leave it there, affording myself semi permanent access to the seat of my choice. None of that inching my way up with the seat every time. This is Most Definately giving me a banquette of food for thought! All in all, it looks practicable. Affordable. Quite possibly even eminantly enjoyable! I Like! Quote Link to post
bshadle 5 Posted July 15, 2007 Report Share Posted July 15, 2007 No. Those " Non Typical " rails look the business though. Seen them? Little, light sections of stood off ladders that ye strap to the tree? I like that idea! In fact, the whole thing about basicly using cargo straps to hold a ladder in place has got me thinking again. Like, just how high would I need to be? Fifteen foot? That's plenty damn high enough once ye up there! Twenty's got to be the maximum, surely to god? High as a f*cking house! Maybe fifteen then? Can't help thinking about the practicality of just buying a light duty set of rung ladders, some brown and green spray paints and a couple of those cargo straps. I could fix my ladder to a tree and leave it there, affording myself semi permanent access to the seat of my choice. None of that inching my way up with the seat every time. I've never used those particular climbers, but have used both the "climbing sticks" and the screw-in or strap-on tree steps. They work to get you up and down, but the problem I've had with them is it's STRAIGHT up and down. Where a ladder leans at an angle and puts your weight directly over the step so it's like climbing a steep staircase, most of the strap on climbing rails and sticks are so close to the tree there's no knee room and your a$$ is hanging out, moving your center of gravity out away from the tree. You end up pulling yourself into the tree at the same time you're climbing up it if that makes sense. I always feel a little like a monkey when I use them. My personal preference is for the "ladder stands" set up at the start of the season, locked fast so it doesn't walk off, and removed at the end of the season. Usually wheel them in on a little cart several weeks beforehand. If you leaned a normal ladder against a tree and had a comfortable seat at the top it'd serve the same purpose. Just maybe more likely for the ladder to walk off unless the folks there are more honest than the folks here. Around here 15 ft is usually considered high enough for most purposes. I've seen some folks as high as 30 ft, but have never personally seen the need to go that high. Quote Link to post
Guest Ditch_Shitter Posted July 15, 2007 Report Share Posted July 15, 2007 My personal preference is for the "ladder stands" set up at the start of the season, locked fast so it doesn't walk off, and removed at the end of the season. Usually wheel them in on a little cart several weeks beforehand. If you leaned a normal ladder against a tree and had a comfortable seat at the top it'd serve the same purpose. Just maybe more likely for the ladder to walk off unless the folks there are more honest than the folks here. And I just happen to own a neat little cart which I can and do drag all over the place! Ladder 'walking'? Heh. You're not to know this mate, but I'm in deepest, rural Co. Leitrim. Described to me even my native Irish mates as " Medievil " Out here people live by one simple rule; If it's not yours, it might as well not exist. Ye only see it at all in order to walk round it. I've seen bright and shiny chain saws left at the roadside for hours. I've even dumped my holdall down on the high street and then returned to observe bus loads of school kids passing it without pause or glance. When I first got here, I used to religiously lock up my five hundred pounds worth of push bike ~ till I realised what an insult to these people that was! Only one guy in this neighbourhood would steal from me, or anyone else; And he's a brit No. As long as my ladder doesn't get in the way of, or damaged by, passing cattle? It'll be fine. Spray job would be simply to stop it glinting like a silver mirror all day ~ should we get any sunshine! Gotta say; I'm near as damnit window shopping for my favoured seat! Can't stop peering out the window at this big old Ash tree. It must stand just fifty yards from the Oak I favour as a perfect killing zone. The Ash itself is about 125 yards from this pc. See why I'm enjoying my own train of thought? I'm a painfully slow mover, much of the time. I think things through probably more than act on them. But, when I do come up with a plan that I consider faultless? That's when I'm equelly remorseless in seeing it through. I have a Lot to do around here. Lots to pay for. But I get the sneaky feeling a High Seat is, as we speak, settling itself nice and comfortably into my Wish List. Like my wood stoves, shower and painted roof; I'll get there! Thanks again for the excellent input! Quote Link to post
Hob&Jill 258 Posted July 15, 2007 Report Share Posted July 15, 2007 I like the idea of a high seat A few beers, flask of Tea, a Book? Sounds just the ticket for a lazy bugger like me Target sports have a few types I think Ditch. H&J Quote Link to post
Guest Ditch_Shitter Posted July 16, 2007 Report Share Posted July 16, 2007 Target sports have a few types I think Ditch. Good thinking, H&J! And so they do. This One looks to have about everything I'm looking for too. Good, all in ladder. Sensible seat. Arm rests and shooting bar. It weighs in at a hefty, fifty odd pounds, but I can manage that. I have a little cart I drag stuff about on and I'm only talking 100's of yards here. Not 10's of miles. Only snag is ~ and it's a bit of a one! ~ shipping in that weight would cost me almost the cost of the kit all over again! I mention this in light of the fact that Cabelas have similar stuff at half the weight. Alloy, rather than steel, I guess? Anyway, all's not lost. It's certainly something I'll bear in mind. And it's now inspired me to seek anything similar already available in Ireland! Even if it's up in the North, I could likely get it here with little enough trouble and added expense This little day dream's really becoming quite the (long term) project! I was even out gazing at trees today ..... Thanks for the input! Quote Link to post
OldTrapCollector 377 Posted July 16, 2007 Report Share Posted July 16, 2007 Only snag is ~ and it's a bit of a one! ~ shipping in that weight would cost me almost the cost of the kit all over again! Or get it sent to me and I will bring it with me when I come over . . . PM me for my new address if you want it OTC Quote Link to post
Guest Ditch_Shitter Posted July 16, 2007 Report Share Posted July 16, 2007 That's a possibility, Old. I'm really quite set on getting something of this nature. I just need the time to weigh up what's available and the logistics of getting the right one. As Bullmastiff pointed out on the E-Z pull thread; I actually burned myself pretty badly through not sitting to absorb the shit about $ exchange rates! That was me rushing. A High Seat is something I could use 'Tonight'. But plumping for the most affordable or available? Would we select a Dog that way? That one on TS seems to be all I require, possibly even more than I've hoped for so far. It's almost 'perfect', isn't it? F*cking beauty! But I have some heavy shit coming down in my life right now. I'm preoccupied and distracted. NOT the conditions under which to take that shot. I'll get over this initial burst of excitement ~ maybe examine a few more fields and trees ~ and shall weigh up more yet, before I commit to exactly what I'm willing to commit myself to. I'll be carrying a rifle, remember. Shit like that matters to me! But, yeppers, Thanks. Waiting till september Vs. a considerable saving on just moving the damn thing around before I even get to see it? Worthy of thought! Quote Link to post
auto culto 0 Posted July 16, 2007 Report Share Posted July 16, 2007 i,ve thought about this before and if i was wanting highseat setup i would be going for a telescopic ladder that could be removed from the site everytime and make a sitty platform in the tree from pallets. The telescopic ladders are 1/2 the price of a puka high chair setup and only weigh 18lbs and extend to 3.8 meters. Also very portable. My window cleaner switched to one of these a couple of years back and he swears by it. Quote Link to post
SNAP SHOT 194 Posted July 16, 2007 Report Share Posted July 16, 2007 Ditch, does that brain of yours ever stop thinking of how to get the perfect shot? Heres my two cents, if your not far away from your shooting point, then purchase a double set of scaffolding frames two squares high put the planks on it cover with camo net and hey presto, shooting platfrom with a nice little area for seat tarp to keep the rain off, permant fixture, hurricane's won't take it down, i've used this and it's excellent, can be bought fairly cheap if you shop around. oh also i wouldn't worry about spending extra on your e z pull trigger, if ordered from the states you would still be waiting on it!!!!!!!!!!!! so i use this train of thought, do i need it ,how quick can i get it, can i afford it, mostly not how quick can i get it to my door. if its only a matter of a 20euro or so i always go the quickest to having it in my hands. hope you don't suffer from vertigo now that your going to be scaling to new heights........ Quote Link to post
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