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Clay Shooting Lessons

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I heard lakenheath shut ? But you used to be able to get a cpsa instructor to meet you there for lessons or ask Peter the owner I know he used to do a bit of tuition get ya self up there on a weekend and have a ask about . What you struggling with in with respect of you thinking you need lessons ?

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They have a temporary club house running at moment i believe as they had a fire. No particular targets really i would just like to up my scores as i consistently shoot around 50 out of 75 targets. Plus hoping it might save me some cartridges when im pigeon shooting this year :)

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Get on the skeet setup will sharpen you up for the pigeons a little bit .used to go there on a weds night flood lit was a good laugh an turn out . Knew they had a fire and had a temp set up but I heard a fe days ago thy shut again but don't know how true . Not been in a few months got bored of there as the light is bad there in the day always shooting into the sun I found he's cleared a lot of trees from there now so I go to a local pub that does a 40 bird shoot every other Sunday or bidwells been to drink stone aswell bloody hard there but it's a Suffolk county team ground just up the a14 from Newmarket there would be plenty of people there willing to coach . Maybe abl to have a word with Phillip furrel he was doing a bit of coaching at one point last time I see him was coaching some Russian Olympic shooters they come on a hare drive we had on one of the farms google him maybe worth ask

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