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i like legends of the fall or bad santa

Kes a timeless classic.

sexy beast nil by mouth marathon man con air

:toast: Ahh! At last! Someone else who's seen it! F**king vile, wasn't it?!


I picked up on it through another forum. Thread about 'Bleak Films'. F**k me! That was about as bleak as they get! Right from the opening moments, that kiddie on a bike, you're being sucked into the bleakness.


But, when he said what he does, in the hospital? My mind just shut down. I simply couldn't get my head down to That f**king level! :icon_eek:



Tim Roth and Ray Winstone? How formidable can it get? thgrinning-smiley-003.gif


BLEAK! That is the perfect word for it!


When the baby was in the hospital and they examine the baby and there's blood I asked my mate to turn it off. I had seen enough. He didn't and I wouldn't watch that again if someone paid me in all honesty.


Winstone and Roth must of really asked themselves some real deep and tough questions to go through with the film.

Edited by Attack Fell Terrier
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Never seen the DC of Leon, will have to look out for that one.. :thumbs:


It's on my shelf, Malt ~ Along with " The War Zone " and the other films I strongly recommend ;)


Did you never find yourself asking WTF the thing on his right thigh was ....? Know when they're doing the impersonations, and he's got this f**king great builders rig strapped to his leg? It's simply never explained, is it?


I lent my (DC) copy to a mate of mine. He's sat there, about to watch it, and his wife asks him what it is. He says, " Leon. Pete's lent me it. " She's like, 'Pfffftt! Leon? You've seen that half a dozen times! '.


But, he assured her that I'd said This version would blow him away. He's come back to me like: " :icon_eek: "



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