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Any Advice ?

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Very broad question. A few tips on KEEPING ferrets is to get experience with someone who already owns them before getting any yourself. Also. Get out and experience different types of ferreting with someone who knows what they are doing (purse netting, long netting, dogs etc.). Also. Ask if you're unsure. Atb,


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first rule dont feed milk and bread lol

be quiet when setting nets and walking around a warren,and do not smoke.reduces the risk of a lie up.be patient some burrows are deep and may take a wee bit of time for your fert to find out if the bunnies are at home.a good spade aswell. its a great pastime mate and im sure you will enjoy it. and dont breed them if you dont need new stock or for jills coming into season,get a snipped hob saves you a lot of hassleand money in the long run.but you can get your jills jabbed to take them out of season,although i never did i always had a snipped hob.

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Ferrets are lactose intollerant. So yes, no milk! Cows milk anyway. Also, they love to play, and will spend the warmer days laying around, so make sure to give them a hammock if you can. They love them! Never pull a tic off, or burn it or use any remedy that is suggested by idiots. You can use things like frontline on ferrets and the tic will drop off on its own. Also, a bit of advice is to trawl through the past few months threads on here and read peoples suggestions on particular topics. Saves everyone else repeating themselves and you might discover things that might never even occur to you.

Atb, BB

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