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Going Right Very Quickly

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After blanking my last five outings in the snow and cancelling yesterdays early morning stalk because it was tipping down(its not fun to get soaked anymore) I was up at six ,quick coffee,motor already loaded from yesterday it was just gun & dog for the five minute drive to a local farm were i do the deer control,its only 100acre but next to a 55acre wood which i also look after.With another 35 acres the far side of the wood its just short of two hundred acres.

I have not been there since the snow but felt the deer would be out of the wood now things have thawed out.There are three fields of red clover,in its second year,the deer never really showed much intrest last year but this winter it has appeared on the menu.This is grown for feed and i think as a natural fertilizer ,this is an organic farm set up so the farmer is not best pleased when he see's 40+ fallow helping themselves to his clover.

With a very slight north breeze i drove into the farm yard ,lights of ,parked out the way,got ready & set of .I walked out of the yard and down the edge of a field with an A road to my left,with the cars up and down it masks any noise and with the constant flashing of car lights it breaks the visual picture as well,there is a row of trees between road a field.Glassing as i went i made it to the bottom of the field turned right walked along 50 m or so through the gate on my left another 50m through gate to my right glassed down the hedge to sweep right , no need ,14 bucks tight to the hedge,they had'nt seen me as i sat with my back to gate post carefully opened the bi.pod and whatched them through the scope.

Where they stood i had no clear shot at the buck i selected,a mature buck fishtailed head and only one antler at that,i needed him to walk right slightly and almost at once he did ,he walked out 15m or so ,turned.looked right at me. no more than 90m good backstop .squeezed ,dead.

The others took of ,stopping once for just a second to see what happened they hit the wood & saftey.

I could see him kicking the last bit of life out.I let the dog find him,she had been sitting by the gate unable to see what had unfolded,duely found & checked i went for the quad,It had taken no more than 20 min from leaving the motor to getting the quad,dragged to the nearest tree , a rope over the branch, pull up hoist , hook deer on & hes on the quad, no more hernia's for me thank you.moved to the bottom of field same procedure rope over branch ,pull up the hoist tie of rope & lift the deer of ,feet off ,open ,lift ,remove contents, head off ,lower back on quad.Check all the bits, small piece of liver for the dog(gives her bad gas ) then home ,hang ,wash ,tag chiller.

Back home having coffee all done less than 1 hour.dos'nt happen like that very often.Out again later if its not raining.Cheers

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I've got loads ......there on my camara.....there on my phone.......how the fcuk i get them on here god only knows,,,,i do stalking , shooting . fishing , cutting up bits of wood, i can start wars, and help virgins wishing not to be,but .......computers !!! ...pox eyed things....i sit tapping away then all of a sudden , just as i'm getting to the end ,GONE,,,blank fcuking screen......how i aint shoot this snot gobbling machine i dont know !!!

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Going wrong very quickly .....


Cocked up today, saw them far end of a field but the field has a bank in middle so crept along the field up the bank knowing they were the other side, clean short grass didn't have anything to lose so on my belly for the last 50 yds as I got just over to the crest of the hill looked up they were grazing, went another 10 yds gun sliding in front of me as i crept, they spotted me I froze they were anxious not happy bunched up started to move, I couldn't I just watched as they started to move left they trotted away stopped to look back at me, in that area the field is flat and didn't give me a safe shot. the wind was light and I had it in my face but I should have started further left, that way as a back up if they saw me they would run right where I could get a shot if they ran.


See never too old to learn

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