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Cz452 Feed Problems Solved Hmr American

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My CZ452 .17HMR American, the one which blew the back of a case when I got 2 bullets up its chuff, has had feed problems since I bought it.


It would feed ok on a full mag but then would start to jam, even with a new mag with a stretched spring.


I tried everything I could think of and took it to a couple of shops with no solution.

I decided the problem was with friction as the round was lifted into the extractor claws. The number of times I took the bolt to pieces I don't know!


Today after a blustery zeroing session, OK at 50 yds, rubbish groups at 110, it struck me I should just replace the extractor, holder (the other extractor) and spring. Looking on the web I discovered they seem to be the same parts for all models, so I swapped the parts from my 22lr Varmint and installed them in the HMR American. Wow, problem solved and it fed so smoooth!


The 22lr on the other hand now had the feed problem. Lets try something: swap the extractor and holder and hay presto, smooth reliable feed on the 22lr as well. Happy day.


I cant fully explain because I had tried swapping the extractor and holder when they were installed in the HMR and loading was worse.


Anyhow, delighted to have 2 fully working rifles and all it's taken is hours and hours and hours of messing about. At least I'm not shy of stripping the extractors now!


Happy hunting.



Edited by halamrose
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