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Best Way To Get My Pup Running Beam

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nae offence guys, but some a yous are way over thinking this situation, get the pup out, show it some bunnys, an itll soon click an start trusting the guy doin the lamp, practice makes perfect........

Imo you don't need a older dog/food ball's or anything else for that matter all you need is rabbit's that are not impossible to catch..don't slip the dog till it has seen the rabbit move and it will c

this place amazes me ffs what did we do before the internet do things not come natural any more dont agree in dropping rabbits for dogs its a joke

  On 29/01/2013 at 00:36, gouldy257 said:

if you've got access to a ferret and some purse nets head out to a borrow or so get a few rabbits and bag them.. head to a big open green field and take a rabbit out the bag and let the pup see it and drop the rabbit and let it run 15 yards then slip your lurcher and let it get its kill.. then do same under lamp at night hell soon click on if he's any kind of a lurcher then stick to walking into squatters till they get up hell get on to it :thumbs: ATB

some people on here dont like the idea of dropped rabbits they reckon you get jail :yes:
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all i do is take pup out at an early age say 5 month let it watch other dogs runnin the lamp for a few month`s keepin it on a lead at all times, when i think its ready i take it out on its own i dont slip on the first cupple ov bunnys i see i just keep beam on them and let the pup watch them in the beam, untill he/she is puttin its head up and lookin for rabbits when you put the lamp on, then i like to find easy rabbits for there first few runs, i might see 10 rabbits but will only give him 3 easy slips, if he gets 1 ov them 3 then im happy im startin a pup off jsut now and its workin for him :thumbs:

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