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Hellish Weather But Good Result

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had about 4 killed stone dead underground by the time we dug down, not had any like that for ages. might be due to them being unfit due to the weather and putting up less of a struggle. being killed by medium jills as well, not just big hobs.




TOMO jr the hob was out today, had 3 good bolts where he was down for about 3 mins persuading the rabbits to bolt rather than scaring them immediately into the net. would of had a dig with him too but the collar battery was dead so chucked a collared jill in with him to dig for. still cant get over his size. a third the size of some of the rabbs.





dog had a good day, all marks were true so thats good. had some catches, some really good and some that i could of caught due to the rabbs not being as fresh and fast as they could. was funny watching her on the course, nearing the strike then hit a snow drift go up to her chest then have to start again :laugh:






had to dig this f****r out, if it wernt there it would of been a foot dig and out. we semi lifted it out, then the ferret backed up with the rabbit so we couldnt put it back down or the ferret would of been crushed. so i had to pull the ferret out that was latched on for dear life to a rabbit while john was using all his strength to keep the rock up :laugh: all worked out well tho.




ended the day with 19, 16 for the restaurant and 3 bruised un's for my rabbit pie.


was atrocious weather, got picked up on the quad and it was spitting, the wind blew it in your face, it felt like i was being shot with bb pellets it was that bad. we kept veering off the road as the drivers kept having to shield his face. then the hailstone came and we had to stop and put our jackets over our face. we saw 2 likely lads on the lane parked up looking for a poach but saw us so waited, and didn't get out the motor. we did a hole about 50 meters from them, with TOMO jr. i have never been so close to leaving a ferret down a burrow in my life, it was snowing/hailing, and when that's hitting your frozen cheeks in 70mph winds on top of a exposed dale, its f*****g painful :laugh: and i couldn't feel my hands or toes, love this ferreting lark :laugh: (obviously i wouldn't leave it before the THL humane society jump on me) so all in all a good day, and this TOMO hob is looking up, if TOMO didnt use that size up here reguarly i wouldnt beleive it could be done. :thumbs:

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