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big dog/small dog

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How come the guy's that are going for the big stuff like the red's etc don't just use pure Deerhounds? Is it hard to get hunting bred deerhounds over there, because it is here. Do you mainly cross them with greyhounds? Just a few of us use pure deerhounds over here and they are awesome to watch in our big paddocks. These dogs are 30-36 inches BIG dogs, very powerfull.

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Guest Nightwalker
  B.L.B said:
How come the guy's that are going for the big stuff like the red's etc don't just use pure Deerhounds? Is it hard to get hunting bred deerhounds over there, because it is here. Do you mainly cross them with greyhounds? Just a few of us use pure deerhounds over here and they are awesome to watch in our big paddocks. These dogs are 30-36 inches BIG dogs, very powerfull.


I've been thinking about it, but most of us run a lot of smaller game like rabbits, hares and foxes as well as deer. From my limited experience of them, purebred deerhounds dont seem as good as the crosses on smaller game although obviously they are perfect for the big stuff. Deerhounds also seem to be a bit less robust than many crosses although, with that said, I lost two deerhound crosses (a 27" dog and a 30" dog) to accidents last winter, so it may be the usual issue that big dogs, fast dogs and dogs that try hard always seem to suffer the most and deerhounds combine most of these characteristics. The 27"dog I lost was a deerhound/grey x bedlington/grey, the 30" dog was a straight deerhound x greyhound. The cross with the greyhound either the first cross deerhound x greyhound or the second cross 3/4 grey, 1/4 deerhound are most popular here, although there are also an awful lot of dogs which carry a bit of deerhound blood as well as other stuff.


My intention at the moment is to get a purebred deerhound bitch next, probably aiming to try and pick a smallish bitch pup from a working line and hope that it goes to 28" or so.

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If you are after a good working deerhound, I would definately go for one from a noted working line, the show ones have been getting bigger and bigger for the last decade, with the ban the Deerhound Club has curtailed all organised coursing events, and not a lot of owners work their animals on rabbits. A lot of show animals also have their hunting instincts practically bred out of them.

Ive seen proper working deerhounds take 20 plus rabbits in one night, kill 14 blue hares in one day, take brown hare, and fox, well, ALL proper deerhounds hate fox, also, witnessed a deerhound bitch winning its way through to the semi-final of a lamping competition against good lurchers. Deer, just watch them eyes pop out, shift into another gear. Although saying this, the best dog Ive seen on roe was a 24inch bitch, mind you she had deerhound in her...

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I agree that the smaller dogs are better on rabbits, once the dogs get over about 32inches they have a bit of trouble getting down that low at speed.

The Deerhounds i use/breed come from an old very line, developed to be only working dogs not show dogs. (I agree that the show breeders are breeding bigger and bigger dogs that are built too heavily). The family who started breeding this line are awesome they've managed to develop the best working Deerhounds in Australia, and just recently exported two pups to Malaysia to hunt deer. (The Malaysians said that even over there they were told that these were the best dogs around) Even the biggest dogs are still well built with a fast, sleek frame.


Sorry guy's I'm not trying to bragg about my dogs it just makes me happy that we have a good line of performance bred dogs going around over here, show dogs are just empty shells.

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Guest Joelfc01

Hi I'm 12 and ive got a Lurcher- Whippet cross Ridgeback shes swift as anything had a few catches but can you recommend any tips and any good spots in liverpool and if my lurcher is a good mix



Tars 4 now Joelfc01 B)

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I dont know how big my Stag pups are know?...pretty fecking big is all i would say!..lol.

The male is a mustard lamp dog, and im guessing he is around the 28 1/2"-29" mark...you have to see this dog turn, because if i hadnt i didnt think it would be possible the catches he has made...his brother (Reno) has started on Coyotes, and is flying into them now...a big dog has a lot to offer imo,...sure, a smaller dog can kill heavy game, but they cant do it as well as a bigger dog, imo...weight and strength have a HUGE part to play in bigger, sometimes more aggresive game....the Stag pup im on about is a wicked rabbit dog, and im hopewing he will be as good on Coyote, and other bigger game...


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  B.L.B said:
I agree that the smaller dogs are better on rabbits, once the dogs get over about 32inches they have a bit of trouble getting down that low at speed.

The Deerhounds i use/breed come from an old very line, developed to be only working dogs not show dogs. (I agree that the show breeders are breeding bigger and bigger dogs that are built too heavily). The family who started breeding this line are awesome they've managed to develop the best working Deerhounds in Australia, and just recently exported two pups to Malaysia to hunt deer. (The Malaysians said that even over there they were told that these were the best dogs around)  Even the biggest dogs are still well built with a fast, sleek frame.


Sorry guy's I'm not trying to bragg about my dogs it just makes me happy that we have a good line of performance bred dogs going around over here, show dogs are just empty shells.


ur talking bout liz's dogs right?

my mate has a 7ish month old pure deerhound from liz, he's a bloody good dog nature wise.


never heard anyone say anything bad about her dogs, nothing but praises for the line.

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  • 3 months later...

well last nights little walk proved to me big dogs really are the trumps..

I had my wee bitch out with my buddy and his old dog..We had around 10 rabbits in the bag then started to spot a few hares as we progressed higher and higher...we slipped her in one one who looked a dodo and to be honest it showed her a clean pair of heels ...It reminded me of a well known dogman when once we were sitting in reading the paper and there was an addy of beddy whippet pups advertised as fantastic all round lampers in the CMW. He said to me "they just arent strong enough..."

last night was a shining example of that..I dont believe pace kills on the lamp..as brook can really move in those first 80 yds...its the power to push on through the wet ,,,to dig in when they terrain gets steep, The physically bigger heart , the increased lung capacity and the muscle mass of the big strong dog lends itself to this..last night was the first time i have really felt that ball kicking dissappointment of having to walk past quarry as the dog was in adequate to run them :no:

For me its big strong dogs only here on in .......

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Sounds like you had a good night even though a tad disappointing on your side mate.


  HAWKEYE said:
its the power to push on through the wet ,,,to dig in when they terrain gets steep, The physically bigger heart , the increased lung capacity and the muscle mass of the big strong dog lends itself to this..


In your comment above mate, I would say muscle mass and sheer size would be the determining factors, as in my eyes, the physical aspects of the heart and lung capacity are proportionate to the dog whether big or small, if that makes sense :unsure: A well muscled, strong big dog against a well muscled strong little dog is always going to do well on certain quarry, that's with heart and lung sized being proportionate and even anyway.


Are you going to be looking out for some whoppers now mate? :D

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It was a good night mate..Just a tad gutted that we never had a decent run on a longear...

I wont be rushing out to get one yet pal but when the opportunity for a vacancy arrises in my kennel ,I will be looking more towards dogs with bull / saluki in them as opposed to what is available locally at that present time...

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An excellent post and one which helps out for a lurcher novice like me, :D


I have only really owned two lurchers myself 1 that didn't make and the other came to me already made, he was a cracking dog on Fox, I never took a Deer with him, but he also did well on rabbits and hares.


I am useless with sizes on lurchers but if I was to hazard a guess I would say he was around 26-27"


A mixture of greyhound saluki, and one I would love to still have.




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  J Darcy said:
now i have always liked the big dogs, but which are your preference for a lurcher...give me a 27 incher any day of the week... :ph34r: what size is your ideal?

we have been here before the thread was removed,but i will say it again anway,size dont mater to me,i lamp and kill,[PRE BAN ]big deer with dogs as big as 29inch and as little as 23inch,and when said that all this grab by the back leg and flip was a load of old bollicks,i was c--ted off,,i said my litttle 23inch bitch which pulled big fallow would hang on and be draged around but would still stop them,you all said i was a c--t,but now J DARCY says it its ok,well darcy you have seen my dogs big and small,and i have told you that you can come back down in the rut to see for your self,coz talk is cheap,but you did not show,,whats that about,,,i will say again size dont matter,, i kill big deer with big and little dogs,,again if you wont to come down j darcy pick steve up on the way through :good:

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  J Darcy said:
up to roe size i guess you would pull them with most dogs, but if you (ahem, before the ban) planned on doing an upgrade to fallow, then your small dogs would be struggling. I know that you may get the odd one or two easy, especially the does, but if the small dog met a big buck, or even a pricket, then things would be different....forget the dog "flipping them by the hock" cos it dont really happen...those big fellows just keep on running!! :cry:  :guitar: ...i have had scoob dragged up a field by a big, old doe once, mind you, she was 100lb on the scales.......for fallow i do beleive that the size of the dog is an important criteria....from the little i have seen :icon_eek:  good hunting guys

again [J DARCY scooby being dragged],oh i see its a darcy thing :) :) :) its ok for, scooby to be dragged but not mine,ok , darcy truth time,how many times have you seen your big dog dragged by big fallow,,,,, and now a little roe,which we know scooby can do with eaze,if you have not seen a big dog dragged by a little roe then you should get out more,,because it happens,,

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