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big dog/small dog

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Personally I like the smaller end of the scale 20" up to 24" do me fine. This is becasue of where I hunt which is cover, orchards, coppicing and more cover. A big dog would struggle here. If I lived somewhere with some nice big fields I wouldn't hesitate to own a bigger dog.

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I find a big 27" dog does limit itself on the ground i hunt rabbits, i would not consider a bigger dog in the future for the hills and small fields. ;)

A good big one is better than a good little one, as a allrounder.

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Due to the diversity of breeds, i dont think its a simple as big or small. You can get a small bull cross who has the tenacity and strength to do both deer and fox and the speed and physique (if your lucky) to do rabbit.

Plus as Stabs said smaller are more versatile for heavy cover.

Of my 27+ and 22.5" i (they) havent experienced the whole remit in great enough numbers yet, and at the moment i think they are on an even keel, what the bigger dog cant do in cover he more than makes up for patrolling the cover and catching the bolters.


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  Stabs said:
Personally I like the smaller end of the scale 20" up to 24" do me fine. This is becasue of where I hunt which is cover, orchards, coppicing and more cover. A big dog would struggle here. If I lived somewhere with some nice big fields I wouldn't hesitate to own a bigger dog.


i agree with stabs :good:

i'd like a bigger dog but it would struggle in the terrain i use

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I do like big strong fast hard dogs around 26" - 27" ins... but I do have a bitch at the mo though who is a shade under 23ins... Her drive and determination is a sight to see. But I can honestly say she is the first and last small scale lurcher I will ever have..Purely for the reason that she seems to have a smaller field of vision, She doesnt see rabbits or hares lying clapped in the field away in the distance like my big dogs can/ could but the deciding factor is that she finds large obstacles eg 5 bar gates , large hedges and ditches a little daunting where as the big lads Ive had will not bat an eyelid at them....Also on quarry that is a little "tough" a big dog is sooo much "cleaner" than a good little un. I have no dobut that there are 22 - 23 ins dogs that destroy charlies in one bite, But A biggun just gives me more confidence in them.

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I've had 4 lurchers ranging from 27ins - 24ins - 21.5ins and this one at 23ins. All were collie bred and used for the same, mostly mooching around for rabbit - hare - feather, and a bit of rabbit lamping.


The 27 incher caught more game than any of the others. She worked cover just as well, had a good nose and was fast enough to catch some of the fur she put up, athletic enough to snatch some of the feather she flushed. But at 27 inch her speed, power and weight meant she was injured more often than the others.


By contrast, despite being reckless and wild, my 21.5 inch Beardie X was rarely injured, and then only rips, (seems she hadn't inherited the "legendary leathery" skin then?.... <_< ). But then again she was very light weight for her frame and feet. She was alright at daytime rabbiting, (I never lamped her much), she couldn't get near a hare though.

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  HAWKEYE said:
I do have a bitch at the mo though who is a shade under 23ins... Her drive and determination is a sight to see. But I can honestly say she is the first and last small scale lurcher I will ever have..Purely for the reason that she seems to have a smaller field of vision, She doesnt see rabbits or hares lying clapped in the field away in the distance like my big dogs can

Completely agree.


she finds large obstacles eg 5 bar gates , large hedges and ditches a little daunting where as the big lads Ive had will not bat an eyelid at them

Never had that problem though, infact she clears them with ease. The larger dog has to 'think' about it 1st.


Does anyone find a difference in stamina between smaller and larger dogs?


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  MOLLY said:
  HAWKEYE said:
I do have a bitch at the mo though who is a shade under 23ins... Her drive and determination is a sight to see. But I can honestly say she is the first and last small scale lurcher I will ever have..Purely for the reason that she seems to have a smaller field of vision, She doesnt see rabbits or hares lying clapped in the field away in the distance like my big dogs can

Completely agree.


she finds large obstacles eg 5 bar gates , large hedges and ditches a little daunting where as the big lads Ive had will not bat an eyelid at them

Never had that problem though, infact she clears them with ease. The larger dog has to 'think' about it 1st.


Does anyone find a difference in stamina between smaller and larger dogs?



i'v only been at this running dog game a couple of years

but my bitch is 22" and seems to run out alot quicker than i thought

she would but recovers very quickly

every burst is 100% tho

well was but thats a diffrent story

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i would agree,i like my dogs big,got to be a least 25",my bitch is 27" and she is a very good rabbit catcher,gets down very well for a big bitch,my two pups are 6 months old,the dog is 25 1/2" and the bitch is 24",so they gonna be big fast pups,fingers crossed any way.

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  brock said:
i would agree,i like my dogs big,got to be a least 25",my bitch is 27" and she is a very good rabbit catcher,gets down very well for a big bitch,my two pups are 6 months old,the dog is 25 1/2" and the bitch is 24",so they gonna be big fast pups,fingers crossed any way.

the best roe and hare dogs have all been 26,27 but one of the best all rounder ive had was and is 24and ahalf etc but when i was out nightly on roe you want a dog to pull it quick and no feching about etc something about 55 to 65 pounds can deal with roe plenty of top end for pressurising it etc all the best the best rabbiting dogs ive had where all 23 to 25 no bigger or smaller to small and they cant catch much apart from rabbs etc which is good but localy hares deer fox and the odd rabbit all the best

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