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Dog Snapped Nail

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When resting your dog do I just leave him in kennel or do I walk him a bit on the lead?


It's going to be sore for a while so what do you think? It's only a broken nail, it hasn't snapped its hock. Do as advised above. Bandage it, wrap insulating tape over bandage to waterproof it, making sure it isn't too tight. Put an old sock over it, tape it at the top so you can take the dog out for a piss etc. or better still, go to a horsey supplier, they sell good waterproof shit.


See when I read half the problems well folk think are big problems on here, the more I think very few on here run dogs. I mean seriously, a broken f*****g nail!!!!

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When resting your dog do I just leave him in kennel or do I walk him a bit on the lead?


It's going to be sore for a while so what do you think? It's only a broken nail, it hasn't snapped its hock. Do as advised above. Bandage it, wrap insulating tape over bandage to waterproof it, making sure it isn't too tight. Put an old sock over it, tape it at the top so you can take the dog out for a piss etc. or better still, go to a horsey supplier, they sell good waterproof shit.


See when I read half the problems well folk think are big problems on here, the more I think very few on here run dogs. I mean seriously, a broken f*****g nail!!!!

i wis thinking broken toe when i first read :huh:

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Lol mate. Fair enough might be a young lad or new to dogs and i appolagise if thats the case. but these posts are growing in frequency. Maybe I'm just becoming a grumpy auld c**t :laugh:

maybe :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: my dog has bad smelling feet what should i do :hmm:
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Lol mate. Fair enough might be a young lad or new to dogs and i appolagise if thats the case. but these posts are growing in frequency. Maybe I'm just becoming a grumpy auld c**t :laugh:

maybe :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: my dog has bad smelling feet what should i do :hmm:


Stop licking them :laugh:

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Lol mate. Fair enough might be a young lad or new to dogs and i appolagise if thats the case. but these posts are growing in frequency.

Fair comment.

I see it as good that people are asking advice. At least they're taking an interest in the dogs welfare and presumably are going to work the dog at some stage.


Split nails - going to happen sometime, even with dogs which aren't worked. What I do is tape the split nail sides back together. If the blood supply to the nail is ok the nail will grow out normally. Keep it clean (salt water soaks), renew the tape every day, trim the nail after the split has healed, about a week or so.

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When resting your dog do I just leave him in kennel or do I walk him a bit on the lead?


It's going to be sore for a while so what do you think? It's only a broken nail, it hasn't snapped its hock. Do as advised above. Bandage it, wrap insulating tape over bandage to waterproof it, making sure it isn't too tight. Put an old sock over it, tape it at the top so you can take the dog out for a piss etc. or better still, go to a horsey supplier, they sell good waterproof shit.


See when I read half the problems well folk think are big problems on here, the more I think very few on here run dogs. I mean seriously, a broken f*****g nail!!!!

i wis thinking broken toe when i first read :huh:

Too be fair thats what i thought. Mines broken and split theres but never go of there feet with it limp yes not putting weight on no. Id get it checked by a bone man at least
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If its taken the nail completely off as has been said its going to be sore as hell ... Wash in warm salty water a few times a day and keep as clean as possible ... If it gets redder and sorer around the nail bed then that could be the start of an infection and may need anti biotics ..... For a split nail just clean it dry it and glue back together with super glue .... Simples ...........

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