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Luton's Muslim's

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It will go on as long as we have spineless fanny's in Westminster.

and spineless men on the streets ,it wouldnt have happened in the skin head era . the people of today just turn another cheek and walk away .these muslims dont .they are united and ready and commited when if civil war comes .they will slaughter every last one of us.recent research hidden from the general public .predicts twenty years from now this country will be governed by a muslim .there will be a muslim prime minister .we either all get our act together sharpish or we are finished .this mongrel cameron is as deluded as the last lot .the trouble in this country is we can all talk a good fight and thats where it stops .
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aye lets blame the cops, an not the fookin ragheads thats invading us some a yous folks are wired to the moon at the best a times, how the fook is it the cops fault??? its not, its the fookin muslim

Never happend in the 70's and early 80s when paki bashing was a sport the twats where to scared to come out

Fecking knew I shouldn't have watched that. I don't say this lightly, but anyone who doesn't think there is going to be full on war on our own home soil is seriously deluded.

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This says it all

That is Disgraceful . How aren't the Press Jumping All over This ? Cameron Should Hang his head in Shame . . In a previous Rally by them the Spokesman says Jack Straw sends his Regards . . That f****n Parasite Would Sleep With The Devil if it was in HIS Favour to do so . . Tony Blair has Done More Damage To This Country Than Any Man Who's Ever Taken Breath ! And Politicians ect wonder why Muslims are Despised By The Majority . . . There's a Film ENEMY AT THE GATE . . they Should Release Part 2. "THERE NOW OVER THE f****n WALL" and base it on The Rag Heads And What There Aim Is !
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Everyone in an area needs to vote BNP, doesn't matter if you agree with their policies (or even if they have any policies) let the hand wringers and the liberals lay it on about racism and not been credible.

I'd rather Bnp mp's than muslim ones. If the Bnp and Ukip increase their voting base at the rate they're doing it'll let these spineless bstards that govern us know enough is enough.

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I'm not even going to bother watching that video, it'll make me want to go out and stamp on a muslim :laugh: in all seriousness, this country has long been fcuked. We're being bred out by them, the country is over populated, no ones got any money, there aren't many jobs, no housing....why? Oh yeah, because we're carrying millions of people who aren't supposed to be here! It's a joke.


But what does the future hold? I'm 22 and i don't see a bright future. I don't see anything for the future to be honest. There are so many people being shit on by the government, war veterans losing their homes etc, while these foreigners come in and get plushy £1m+ pads for them and their 100 kids, and more money in benefits than you can shake a stick at...not on. There will be a time where we'll all have to make a choice. Keep on being bent over the barrel and taking it, or stand up for what we believe in. Many men will have to make that choice, keep out of it and stick your head in the sand, or risk everything to create a brighter future for our children.


I know which camp i'll be in :thumbs:

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these rallys like the one in luton are common place .the media will not give it coverage especially the bbc . .go on the bnp webpage ,register with them .you dont have to support theyre views or subscribe to them .look at how the bbc let the public down by not broadcasting what went on in blackburn .when the police turned and ran .a few years ago all this civil unrest is being hidden away from joe public .by these spineless politicians .the likes of brum luton bradford etc are already lost to the british electorate and its going to get a lot worse people

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It will go on as long as we have spineless fanny's in Westminster.

and spineless men on the streets ,it wouldnt have happened in the skin head era . the people of today just turn another cheek and walk away .these muslims dont .they are united and ready and commited when if civil war comes .they will slaughter every last one of us.recent research hidden from the general public .predicts twenty years from now this country will be governed by a muslim .there will be a muslim prime minister .we either all get our act together sharpish or we are finished .this mongrel cameron is as deluded as the last lot .the trouble in this country is we can all talk a good fight and thats where it stops .


Is it spineless men on the streets? Or unorganised individuals that are starting to wonder what can be done? I think the latter and I reckon thats why the goverment stamped on the EDL helped by the mainstream media through fear about how big it could become.

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Surely they're going to have a shock when the benefit cap comes in?


they'll probably be exempt just wait and see


Yeh well that will be the last fecking straw for me. I'm sick of paying my taxes and seeing my family and freinds struggle with little to no help while those sponging turds get a free ride in a million pound house because they bred like rabbits :hunter:

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If your not angry..you will be in a minute..i worked in Luton about 15yr's ago and it was bad then and from this clip i have just watched it is behond a joke.. :censored:




" Uk go To hell " .....being shouted by a foreigner on a uk street :laugh: .............how f****n thick must these people be !...........You gotta laugh of you,ll cry.

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