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Sponging C*nt, "i'll Take Everything I Can Get." Grrrr.

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its run by people who dont know the meaning of hardship,and they dont live in the areas where the immigrants are put.so basically they dont give a f**k about the rest of us.simple as that.

I think a lot of it is about morals. Ive worked all my life and about 4 years ago I got made redundant from my office job. I went down the dole office to see what help I could get, having paid into th

Blame the system not her. She is not doing anything illegal. Imoral? Yes! But not ilegal.   Socialist gov't have done this. Balme them. The best way to curb immigration is to insist that anyone wh

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  On 25/01/2013 at 13:50, dpb82uk said:

if i sed to the job center im not doing that jod its only 16 k a year i wunder what thay wood say to me stuck up bitch never get 25k in her home land how the f**k do we get out the e u

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To be honest watching that clip didn't piss me off as much as I thought it would, at least she was honest and came across as someone who would rather work but the system makes it impractical. She at least has got off her arse and educated herself and upped sticks and moved to another country to work. I'm not saying it's right or fair but I see her as no worse than our home grown scum can't work, won't work spew out kids mob, they think they're entitled to everything by birthright. Can't get some of them to move off the settee never mind move country.

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I think a lot of it is about morals. Ive worked all my life and about 4 years ago I got made redundant from my office job. I went down the dole office to see what help I could get, having paid into the system my entire life. They said all id get would be £60 a week (if i remember rightly). Id get no help with my mortgage (which was £800 a month) or anything else. They never once offered me any advice on any other benefits or help I could get.


I went and signed on 4 times, and each and every time I was treated like I was scum of the earth by the people who worked there. They were so rude to me, and yet I was dressed smart and had to fight through load of dossers who spent all day hanging out outside the job centre smoking & drinking in their hoodies.


I got the 3rd degree as to what id been doing looking for work, whilst I noticed other people who were signing on, were in & out in seconds.


In the end, after visiting the job centre 4 times I couldnt hack it any more. If thats how they treat someone who was born in this country, and has worked all their life paying tax & NI, then they can stuff it. I went straight out and got a job as a labourer working from 7am till 7pm for 50quid a day. It was very hard work as the foreman was a tight git. Rather than hire diggers, he`d get us men to use shovels instead as we were cheaper. I ended up doing that for about a year until another office job came up. It paid the bills and im not too proud to do any job in order to provide for my family.


It amazes me how some of these people get so much money from the government, when people like myself were treated like a criminal and got nothing. Something is definitely wrong somewhere.

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plenty of our own scroungers to keep without the likes of her joining them,the bennifit system just dosnt work,it should not be used as a long term solution for anyone,you shouldent as a tax payer be expected to pay so much towards people who have children and get housed and fed without having to do anything ,it just is not fair on people prepared to work.and how could you be proud of anything if you spend your life living off others.


the bennifit system should just be a stop gap and contraceptives should be handed out with giros.

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Worked from a few days after leaving school(28 years ago) until 7 months ago started signing on and then went to sign the other week and didn't apply for any jobs or look for one over xmas period. I've now had my money sanctioned(stopped) and now I've got to put in a new claim, asked them what to do about money and was told to put in for crisis loan which I can't get because my moneys been stopped........go figure. :censored:

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  On 25/01/2013 at 16:03, johnny boy68 said:

Worked from a few days after leaving school(28 years ago) until 7 months ago started signing on and then went to sign the other week and didn't apply for any jobs or look for one over xmas period. I've now had my money sanctioned(stopped) and now I've got to put in a new claim, asked them what to do about money and was told to put in for crisis loan which I can't get because my moneys been stopped........go figure. :censored:

happened to me after 6 weeks of signing on and ive paid tax and ni for 35 years its all wrong
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Its no just imigrants that a frightened to work , My cousin was on a collage course the week before the exams he hurt his back doesn't stop him going out hunting three four days a week but stop him qualify and maybe getting a job , Another guy gets a job and on the Monday says i need Thursday off as im going fishing they told him feck off went right back to the job centre and back on benifits

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well i never even went near the b*****ds when i got paid off.i can support myself for the time being with my savings.hopefully ill be back in work before i need to ask those c**ts for anything


granted if i had kids i would claim.

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  On 25/01/2013 at 16:03, johnny boy68 said:

Worked from a few days after leaving school(28 years ago) until 7 months ago started signing on and then went to sign the other week and didn't apply for any jobs or look for one over xmas period. I've now had my money sanctioned(stopped) and now I've got to put in a new claim, asked them what to do about money and was told to put in for crisis loan which I can't get because my moneys been stopped........go figure. :censored:


thats no right at all mate,shower of scum this goverment

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you cant blame the people who claim it ,....................you need to look at the tw4ts running this country ..........

people are going to take what they can like any normal person would ,..........sadly rules are rules no matter how unfair they are ..........

now were heading for another dip recestion and there blaming it on the xmas period.....lol

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  On 25/01/2013 at 16:50, scothunter said:
  On 25/01/2013 at 16:03, johnny boy68 said:

Worked from a few days after leaving school(28 years ago) until 7 months ago started signing on and then went to sign the other week and didn't apply for any jobs or look for one over xmas period. I've now had my money sanctioned(stopped) and now I've got to put in a new claim, asked them what to do about money and was told to put in for crisis loan which I can't get because my moneys been stopped........go figure. :censored:


thats no right at all mate,shower of scum this goverment

I know lads who've not done a days work and they never get any bother, straight in and sign and away. I've got to go on this goverment website 28 times a week looking for work but they've had the same jobs on there for weeks now. I just put in for training to get a better chance of a job and I've been told I've got to find the £700 for the course........takes the piss. :censored:

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it beggrs belirf how they expect to you to find 7 ton.mentioned this before,my mate gets 60quid a week and has to live off that and pay so much towrds council tax,and obviously power and shit.i seen him over xmas and his house was baltic cause he couldnt afford gas and leccy.now he told me there taking 14 quid of his 60 cause he has a spare room.he dont even hve f*****g bed or a carpet in it lol

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  On 25/01/2013 at 17:15, whippet 99 said:

you cant blame the people who claim it ,....................you need to look at the tw4ts running this country ..........

people are going to take what they can like any normal person would ,..........sadly rules are rules no matter how unfair they are ..........

now were heading for another dip recestion and there blaming it on the xmas period.....lol



You can blame the people who take it as they must have no self respect if thats how they want to live !!!



I love to see these lazy Fuckers given road sweeping or toilet cleaning jobs as part and parcel of earning Benefits for long turn durations.


Mandatory National Service for any one that leaves school with out having a Apprenticeship or University placement to go to wouldn't hurt ether, we could use them to better protect our national boarders and have it set up so that only those that volunteered would serve overseas.

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