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Is It Time To Part Ways??

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Put some f*****g effort in! Every c**t just gets rid whenever they encounter a problem!

sounds like he going great. get a new girlfriend

i reckon she is pinching or kicking the poor dog when ye not lookin

Put some f*****g effort in! Every c**t just gets rid whenever they encounter a problem!


Iv been awake for hours thinking long and hard and I guess I'm just like every other fecker...iv run out of patients.I'm going to man up and get rid....I'm not a donator on hear so there isn't going to be an advert!!!!!

Its really gunna hert....I'm going to tell the girlfriend its that time.....I will learn how to use the bloody Dyson.cook and wash up....the moral of the story is a dogs not just for Xmas but women come and go....lol

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That's a bit harsh if he's not socialised the dog properly around people ?

just to add I'm no sky cat or anything but if youv brought the dog on lettin it do what it wants ie bozzy'n in with it at night and letting it have the run of the house it's his territory and the split ers is invading the dogs space think its your fault ) men with dogs I don't bloody no ) thumbs up
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Never let a dog in ur bed

My misses has a lapdog that she let sleep in the bed it start getting abit spitfull to me so I put it down stairs and we don't let it up and now it's as good as gold

That's just my take on it and every dog is different atb with what u do

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My pup is 9 months old. A happy bouncy bundle of joy.since iv had him iv taught him to sit.stay.down.jump follow the beam.he marks when we are ferreting doesn't get tangled in the long net..I fortunate that I'm self employed so he never leaves my side were ever I go he goes..he's house trained and sleeps on his bed at the bottom of my bed...when my girlfriend stays he turns into a devel dog...the other night he casually walked up to her and sunk his teeth into her hand and brought blood..he's chewed her trainers up and last night crapped in the kitchen....with all the conflict between them I'm thinking of just getting shut and starting again.....what do you think????


Sounds to me that the dog is the boss of the house. Personally if my dogs bit anyone, I'd knock f**k out of it, but that's just me. I think you need to be firmer with it, I wouldn't get rid but I'd Definately leave it knowing who was boss whether that's your girlfriend or a 4year old kid.

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My pup is 9 months old. A happy bouncy bundle of joy.since iv had him iv taught him to sit.stay.down.jump follow the beam.he marks when we are ferreting doesn't get tangled in the long net..I fortunate that I'm self employed so he never leaves my side were ever I go he goes..he's house trained and sleeps on his bed at the bottom of my bed...when my girlfriend stays he turns into a devel dog...the other night he casually walked up to her and sunk his teeth into her hand and brought blood..he's chewed her trainers up and last night crapped in the kitchen....with all the conflict between them I'm thinking of just getting shut and starting again.....what do you think????


Sounds to me that the dog is the boss of the house. Personally if my dogs bit anyone, I'd knock f**k out of it, but that's just me. I think you need to be firmer with it, I wouldn't get rid but I'd Definately leave it knowing who was boss whether that's your girlfriend or a 4year old kid.

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My pup is 9 months old. A happy bouncy bundle of joy.since iv had him iv taught him to sit.stay.down.jump follow the beam.he marks when we are ferreting doesn't get tangled in the long net..I fortunate that I'm self employed so he never leaves my side were ever I go he goes..he's house trained and sleeps on his bed at the bottom of my bed...when my girlfriend stays he turns into a devel dog...the other night he casually walked up to her and sunk his teeth into her hand and brought blood..he's chewed her trainers up and last night crapped in the kitchen....with all the conflict between them I'm thinking of just getting shut and starting again.....what do you think????

not sure if i follow what went on , dogs dont casually walk up and bite people, they have to be in a certain mindset one which doesn't resemble casual looking, excited, nervous or driven i can understand the urge to mouth then but not casual,


get the dog out of the bedroom , get him off sofa's, dont play with the dog in the house,


dogs develop mind set's for different environments if the dog believes the house is a play area then the house evokes excitement in the dog same as when a dog walks into a field he transforms into a driven mindset, the energy is in the environment , rest inside, play outside, that way the house and contents wont become accessories in energy inducing environment,


the house builds energy in the dog so the dog must release energy in the house and its primary source of energy release is to mouth, rip, tear, shred something, get the drift,


make the house a calm area for the pup with plenty of exercise outside, it will change how the dog feels about its surroundings ,


best of luck bud

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My pup is 9 months old. A happy bouncy bundle of joy.since iv had him iv taught him to sit.stay.down.jump follow the beam.he marks when we are ferreting doesn't get tangled in the long net..I fortunate that I'm self employed so he never leaves my side were ever I go he goes..he's house trained and sleeps on his bed at the bottom of my bed...when my girlfriend stays he turns into a devel dog...the other night he casually walked up to her and sunk his teeth into her hand and brought blood..he's chewed her trainers up and last night crapped in the kitchen....with all the conflict between them I'm thinking of just getting shut and starting again.....what do you think????


Sounds to me that the dog is the boss of the house. Personally if my dogs bit anyone, I'd knock f**k out of it, but that's just me. I think you need to be firmer with it, I wouldn't get rid but I'd Definately leave it knowing who was boss whether that's your girlfriend or a 4year old kid.


Why get into bed with two dogs,lol

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