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Is It Time To Part Ways??

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My pup is 9 months old. A happy bouncy bundle of joy.since iv had him iv taught him to sit.stay.down.jump follow the beam.he marks when we are ferreting doesn't get tangled in the long net..I fortunate that I'm self employed so he never leaves my side were ever I go he goes..he's house trained and sleeps on his bed at the bottom of my bed...when my girlfriend stays he turns into a devel dog...the other night he casually walked up to her and sunk his teeth into her hand and brought blood..he's chewed her trainers up and last night crapped in the kitchen....with all the conflict between them I'm thinking of just getting shut and starting again.....what do you think????

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Put some f*****g effort in! Every c**t just gets rid whenever they encounter a problem!

sounds like he going great. get a new girlfriend

i reckon she is pinching or kicking the poor dog when ye not lookin

Well it sounds like its not taking well to someone coming in and being close to you , try get her to spend time with it , bond with it play with it , it may be playing up when things change some pups don't like things different , if not than you could try kennelling the dog ??



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depends on how into the girl you are really, and if she's likely to be on the scene for a while (as much as you can try and predict these things that is), is she pissed and making noises about you shifting the dog on?, or is she the sort thats willing to work on it with ya ?

failing that, like Tiny says, its young enough to get used to a kennel still.....

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