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Everyone is getting into the wildlife photography at the moment, well due to buying a NV set up i need to get some money back in, cant sell any of my guns etc as i need them for work SO........I have for sale the camera that will give you the close up crystal clarity pictures you,ve ever dreamed of and whats more it is going relativly cheap for a quick sale.


Canon eos 100 body...35mm

Sigma 28-70 2.8 APO lens

Sigma 70-210 2.8 APO lens

Canon Speedlite 540 EZ flash head


Comes in a metal hard case, no dinks scratches, lenses motors everything 100% working, Speed photography unbeleivable freezes everything, genuinly crystal clear images, if you cant take stunning shots with this you may as well give up. Comes with 10 or so cokin p filters and filter holders, polarising filters, gadget bag, instruction manuals, sun hoods, remote hand unit.

Would cost well over a £1000 to buy from the shop new, i am not greedy and i am a realist and i have just shelled out a small fortune on nv SO... i would exept offers over £340. Any questions please pm me, could probably deliver anywhere up as far as Bristol across as far as east sussex as i travel these fairly regularly.

Cheers for looking MT. :bye:

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Snoopdog your right it is the mutts nuts, but it is as simple or as complicated as you want it to be. There is a dial on the top that you set different modes etc, to be honest it is so clever it can be set on automatic, ie it figures everything out itself and you still get top quality images, the lenses can be used on manual or motorised on auto focus they are Sooooo quick, i took a load of shots of diving stunt kites, apparently they were travelling at silly speeds like well over a hundred miles an hour and they were frozen sharp and clear as can be. The APO bit for those who dont know means Apospheric, this means the glass on the lenses is so good that you get crystal clear right to the very edges of the photos this coupled with the very low F2.8 make these lenses so expensive.

All the best MT.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just like to thank MT for a superb deal and nice to put a face to a name. A credit to our site and welcome at our gaff anytime...............Al :thumbs:


(I'll stock up on the ale and cider :haha: )

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