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A Good Days Ferreting...

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It was an early start,i was up at six oclock,just 2 days after christmas,i woke up ,had a snack and got all equipment ready.i was then picked up at 7,and we set off for out 1 and a half hour trip down to wales,stopping for a mcdonalds on the way.after our chlosterphobic long journey we arrive on our 1st permission,with two rabbits bolting in quick sucession ,which were quickly dropped with a twelve bore,after this we moved on to our next permission and walked up the hillside and ferreting any burrys on the way up,with one rabbit bolting but missed with the gun,as we moved futher up the hillside the rabbits started to bolt,and the guns were being fed a rappid diet of eley cartridges,and the bag was filled up,all in all we ended up with 5,and we should of had 15,but due to some bad shots this didnt happen,we are off down wales again at the weekend hopefully for a better bag.

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