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Help And Advice Please

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I have owned and worked lurchers for a couple of years now but only used them for lamping rabbits and ferreting on some permission I have.

Now I want to take bigger game and am considering getting a Deerhound cross, heard a lot of Dave platt and wanted advice from people on here.

Maybe some of you guys know of people with the type of dogs I am looking for

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I have owned and worked lurchers for a couple of years now but only used them for lamping rabbits and ferreting on some permission I have.

Now I want to take bigger game and am considering getting a Deerhound cross, heard a lot of Dave platt and wanted advice from people on here.

Maybe some of you guys know of people with the type of dogs I am looking for

so some bigger rabbits is what your after as most other things are now illegal ;)
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I have owned and worked lurchers for a couple of years now but only used them for lamping rabbits and ferreting on some permission I have.

Now I want to take bigger game and am considering getting a Deerhound cross, heard a lot of Dave platt and wanted advice from people on here.

Maybe some of you guys know of people with the type of dogs I am looking for

so some bigger rabbits is what your after as most other things are now illegal ;)

There are some proper mutant bunnies in donny paulus :tongue2:

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I have owned and worked lurchers for a couple of years now but only used them for lamping rabbits and ferreting on some permission I have.

Now I want to take bigger game and am considering getting a Deerhound cross, heard a lot of Dave platt and wanted advice from people on here.

Maybe some of you guys know of people with the type of dogs I am looking for

so some bigger rabbits is what your after as most other things are now illegal ;)

There are some proper mutant bunnies in donny paulus :tongue2:

part of that reply i agree with :laugh:
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Seen some massive coneys around here lol.

Very aware of the hunting act and the law and hope that the government will one day soon have a repeal as what a joke it is, let's not start me on that subject.

Everything I get is eaten either by me and the family or ferrets and some to the falconers.

Can anyone advise on Deerhound x and any good folk on here with proven workers.


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