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What Age Do Lurchers Normally Start Chasing

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i got 5 month old sal x whip x gray dog walking him yesterday and rabbit jump up right in front of us and he didn't seemed that bothered. am i expecting to much for his age only second lurcher pup iv had and first one killed first rabbit at 6 months old but i no ever pup different




puppy bigger now pics took weeks ago


5 months old, 20 weeks and your worried about its prey drive!!!!....... Ohh dear.


Just out of interest, the one that was killing rabbits at 6 months, do you still have it?

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Your dog will be fine.


Concentrate on training for now - let him grow into his prey-drive, which with the mix he has will certainly be there.


My dog is over two and we're still on basic training (mind, he's deerhound X). He likes to chase, but he's still developing and he won't really be ready for proper work until next Autumn. Yours wil probably do what my dog did and find a Spring or Summer sitter to grab - no looking back as far as bunnies are concerned after that.

Edited by Taz-n-Lily
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Iv had lurcher's that a four months old will take 50 rabbits. 6fox's and a couple of deer all day time!!!!! What a load of shite........ya pups a baby ffs let it be a pup..it wants all of next summer growing up and playing.......get his obiedience to a good standard......why dont you learn how to reward train a pup and get him to a standard that you don't need a slip lead to go out lamping and he retrieves anything to your hand....15 mins a day training and by next season you'll have something that will make you proud and other ask your advice.......

was at aimed at me? :hmm:



Stop being paranoid I don't cone on hear to fall out with anyone.......its aimed at all the myths that make lads with pups feel that there dog ain't ever going to make it........the worst pup iv ever owned was useless till she was a year old now she's the best dog iv ever had the pleasure of working

is this the same dog you where speakin about last night lad ? )
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Look mate your missing the point of what you have...a pup!!!. so let it be just that. You dont want it chasing anything at the moment if you can help it, but mistakes & accidents can happen. Can you imagine if your little pup had plenty of drive and a hare got up in front of her, then you could have had some serious problems....even to the extent of ruining your dog for life, physically i mean.


Dont take her ferreting just yet, unless she is on a lead. I go with a rule, that a pup should be out for 5 minutes for every month....and you cant go ferreting for 25 minutes. its my guideline and it works.


Stick to obediance...recall and stock training are your primary targets to aim for. Stay, jumping, retrieve, etc etc are all bonuses your pup will take on.

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Just bringing my 1st pup on now, she's a whippet and now 15 weeks. From what I've heard it can spoil a good dog to start them much under a year, so thats what I'm aiming for. Like the point about taking the dog along when ferreting being a help and was about to get a couple anyway.

I'd agree for a dog to be worth working you should put a good few monhs of training in.

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To be honest I would rather a pup that doesn't chase ... A hare got up u der the nose of my 5 month old pup last week and she chased it 300 meters until it got under some rabbit fencing ... Now no way was she ever going to catch it so it was a fruitless chase that could have damaged her for life ... Luckily she is a strong little thing and the ground was slow going so she wasn't flat out ... The only up side was that it showed she has guts and determination to stick to the task ... But if I could have avoided it I would have .......

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I had similar problem's Sock's with a fooking hare..i was of out with the pup around the 7mth old mark..if i knew it was going to be there i would of avoided it like the plague..she found it and screamed her lung's out chasing it but thank the lord she lost it in thick cover sharpish and she has kept quiet ever since after i kept her away from anything runable for 2mth..that could quite easily of ruined a keen pup at such a young age..at the end of the day they is no rush.. do what everyone else has advised Dan and get all the training and stock breaking in order before you start chasing stuff about you will have all summer to concentrate on that..and the back end of the summer will produce some green as grass bunnies that will make it all the more easier for a 1yr old trained pup.. :thumbs:

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