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Kits have settled in well and met the dogs :D The kids love them :yes: This season they will have to work with the black and tan shepherd until next season when I have a lurcher pup :blink:








Edited by Simoman
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  skycat said:
:thumbs-up: to Molly: those are 2 of the best reared kits I've seen. And great to see the dogs getting on with them too.

The kits have obviously been very well reared by Moll, although they are quickly emptying my freezer, they eat like pigs :)


  skycat said:
What sort of lurcher are you going for S?

Bull x :thumbs:

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Like they have always been here :clapper: I've gotton my eldest (4) into a routine of helping me handle and feed every night, I think its good to give them a bit of responsibility.......... Pocket money has just arisen if she helps me clean the kennel :)

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  Simoman said:
  jultaylor1972 said:
Great pics Simoman. Nice to see they're settling in well. :D



Like they have always been here :clapper: I've gotton my eldest (4) into a routine of helping me handle and feed every night, I think its good to give them a bit of responsibility.......... Pocket money has just arisen if she helps me clean the kennel :)

Good plan :yes: I agree, responsibility is a good thing for kids these days. Great when they get actively involved in looking after animals/ hunting etc.

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Brilliant :clapper: Thank you loads for putting them up, its always so nice to see the kits you have fed and looked after go to people who will do it even better than you yourself could :thumbs:

You think its bad feeding your lot, imagine having 12 of the little dears, they emptied the game freezer TWICE, i had the farmer and friends looking for road kill at one point :laugh:

I think well behaved kids are the best thing on the planet for socialising any young animal, you will probably be able to call them out of the sets by their names when they are finished with them :D ...... Oh by the way, what are their names again :whistling:

Thank you Sky :icon_redface:


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Thanks for the comments everyone :signthankspin: Well...erm.....they are called Fizz, Bella and Jake after the tweenies :icon_redface: I wanted Satan, Rambo and Dracula but I conceded :D To any members if Molly advertises any kits next year then snap them up quickly, they are well socialised, reared and in amazing condition :yes: Well worth the 350 mile round trip :thumbs:



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  Simoman said:
Well worth the 350 mile round trip :thumbs:


Only a nutter would drive that far :whistling:


No more kits now. All got there bits removed yesterday :yes: No more screaming jills in the spring..ahhh peace :D


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