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Women In Front Line Combat Roles

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Kay the results were collated by civilian phsyciatrists not the military as it was an independent study ... A nurse having just finished a nice brew and a biscuits having to deal with somebody screaming knowing that there is a doctor to sort the problem is far far removed from somebody that has had little or no sleep for 24 hours has been carrying over a 100 lbs for miles across unforgiving terrain in soaring temperatures has been in a sustained fire fight for hours who is listening to their mates dying in agony and can't do anything about it ........


Ever seen someone who has been hit by a train ? or a kid that was sitting on his Dad's lap on a ride on mower, and fell forwards ? or a bloke who has ripped all his teeth out and torn half his lips away trying to bite through the rope his wife hung herself with ? No, nor me. I was in coffee room having a rich tea biscuit.


Com'on, Socks has a point, a soldier's situation is completely different to a nurse's or fireman's. The latter will be 10x less fatigued than a soldier may be, then when they have a traumatic experience to deal with they can actually do everything possible to save lives, a soldier may well have to make the decision to let his mates carry on screaming and die to prevent further loss of life. I'm no soldier but I think I can grasp the point?

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Women don't negotiate!   "where's the bomb!?............................ not gonna tell me? Fine, we'll launch full scale nuclear attack! followed by the silent treatment"

Lets cut to the chase. If a woman is caught. Name rank and number yeh. Then what would a gang of rag heads then do normaly i would say use your imagination in the case lets be frank she would ge

I've just finished in the infantry after 22 years and i did my first afghan tour as youngish lad, a whole life in front of me to come, no mortgage, no bills(apart from the loan on my boy racer car), l

Socks were these tests carried out by the DSTL lab coats? Or a completely independant party?


Thanks for sharing that, very interesting. :thumbs:


The white coats were all civilians mate ... Soldiers obviously ran the course but they had no input into the results ......

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I agree women shouldn't be front line soldiers, for lots of reasons - but A/E work isn't a tea break. I am not comparing the battlefield to A/E, half the nurses I work with are military, and have seen active service in Afghanistan etc - and they are as professional in their home role, as when deployed.

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Kay the results were collated by civilian phsyciatrists not the military as it was an independent study ... A nurse having just finished a nice brew and a biscuits having to deal with somebody screaming knowing that there is a doctor to sort the problem is far far removed from somebody that has had little or no sleep for 24 hours has been carrying over a 100 lbs for miles across unforgiving terrain in soaring temperatures has been in a sustained fire fight for hours who is listening to their mates dying in agony and can't do anything about it ........


Ever seen someone who has been hit by a train ? or a kid that was sitting on his Dad's lap on a ride on mower, and fell forwards ? or a bloke who has ripped all his teeth out and torn half his lips away trying to bite through the rope his wife hung herself with ? No, nor me. I was in coffee room having a rich tea biscuit.


Com'on, Socks has a point, a soldier's situation is completely different to a nurse's or fireman's. The latter will be 10x less fatigued than a soldier may be, then when they have a traumatic experience to deal with they can actually do everything possible to save lives, a soldier may well have to make the decision to let his mates carry on screaming and die to prevent further loss of life. I'm no soldier but I think I can grasp the point?


Lara I am not knocking your profession you all do an amazing job and I take my hat off to you as was trying to make the point that born hunter has done better than me ........

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Female soldiers on the front line....dont make me laugh. Now Socks and any other soldier (servong/veteren) will agree that even the girls we have now in the army are over-pampered and looked after in a different ways than the lads.


Everyone that has so far commented as already shown one thing....our society wouldn't accept it yet. Until the european courts start saying something about that is.


The US have tried this before and it failed big time for all the same reasons you guys have already mentioned.


If they do join the infantry, it'd make the first aid lesson a lot more fun....mouth to mouth, feeling for injuries...etc

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Women and men simply put are built different, mentally & physically, there are defo some women who have the stuff for example Boadicea but throughout history how many female warrior names do you know or their exploits? Women are more suited to espionage roles or underhand tactics on the battlefield and around the home :laugh:


But the emotional gravity that would be apparent when the Paedo worshippers capture and torture a frontline woman soldier would be imense. Imo a very bad idea and stupid pandering to the equal rights corner.


Can you imagine a woman being able to defend her injured mates to the last bullet and then picking up a knife or a kukri and going hand to hand like that fijian soldier???

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Women and men simply put are built different, mentally & physically, there are defo some women who have the stuff for example Boadicea but throughout history how many female warrior names do you know or their exploits? Women are more suited to espionage roles or underhand tactics on the battlefield and around the home :laugh:


But the emotional gravity that would be apparent when the Paedo worshippers capture and torture a frontline woman soldier would be imense. Imo a very bad idea and stupid pandering to the equal rights corner.


Can you imagine a woman being able to defend her injured mates to the last bullet and then picking up a knife or a kukri and going hand to hand like that fijian soldier???

youve obviously never been to atherstone or coalville :laugh:
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Women and men simply put are built different, mentally & physically, there are defo some women who have the stuff for example Boadicea but throughout history how many female warrior names do you know or their exploits? Women are more suited to espionage roles or underhand tactics on the battlefield and around the home :laugh:


But the emotional gravity that would be apparent when the Paedo worshippers capture and torture a frontline woman soldier would be imense. Imo a very bad idea and stupid pandering to the equal rights corner.


Can you imagine a woman being able to defend her injured mates to the last bullet and then picking up a knife or a kukri and going hand to hand like that fijian soldier???

youve obviously never been to atherstone or coalville :laugh:


:laugh: :laugh: that's all well and done but go back at them and they shiit it, women cannot cope the same as men we are genetically predispositioned to gather into groups and fight side by side it is nature's way :thumbs:

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Women and men simply put are built different, mentally & physically, there are defo some women who have the stuff for example Boadicea but throughout history how many female warrior names do you know or their exploits? Women are more suited to espionage roles or underhand tactics on the battlefield and around the home :laugh:


But the emotional gravity that would be apparent when the Paedo worshippers capture and torture a frontline woman soldier would be imense. Imo a very bad idea and stupid pandering to the equal rights corner.


Can you imagine a woman being able to defend her injured mates to the last bullet and then picking up a knife or a kukri and going hand to hand like that fijian soldier???

youve obviously never been to atherstone or coalville :laugh:


:laugh: :laugh: that's all well and done but go back at them and they shiit it, women cannot cope the same as men we are genetically predispositioned to gather into groups and fight side by side it is nature's way :thumbs:

i went to a few of the disco`s at st athens in the 80`s, they bussed them in from the valleys, them fookers would wipe the taliban out in weeks never mind fight side by side :laugh:
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