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Women In Front Line Combat Roles

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Women don't negotiate!   "where's the bomb!?............................ not gonna tell me? Fine, we'll launch full scale nuclear attack! followed by the silent treatment"

Lets cut to the chase. If a woman is caught. Name rank and number yeh. Then what would a gang of rag heads then do normaly i would say use your imagination in the case lets be frank she would ge

I've just finished in the infantry after 22 years and i did my first afghan tour as youngish lad, a whole life in front of me to come, no mortgage, no bills(apart from the loan on my boy racer car), l

Guest scramble

Think it's wrong myself, but i assume they'll have to pass the same selection process as the men so I doubt many will make it through in practice..


It may be the case with the yanks but i'll bet my mortgage the split arses would get special "dispensation" in our forces. it happened with the first woman passing the all arms commando course. :yes:

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Think it's wrong myself, but i assume they'll have to pass the same selection process as the men so I doubt many will make it through in practice..


It may be the case with the yanks but i'll bet my mortgage the split arses would get special "dispensation" in our forces. it happened with the first woman passing the all arms commando course. :yes:


It took her three attempts, (dunno if that's average?) and I believe she is still the only woman to pass? I know that commando course for 3 commando is a step up from your standard infantry selection but sorta speaks volumes that only one woman has passed and even then took her three attempts.

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Guest scramble

Think it's wrong myself, but i assume they'll have to pass the same selection process as the men so I doubt many will make it through in practice..


It may be the case with the yanks but i'll bet my mortgage the split arses would get special "dispensation" in our forces. it happened with the first woman passing the all arms commando course. :yes:


It took her three attempts, (dunno if that's average?) and I believe she is still the only woman to pass? I know that commando course for 3 commando is a step up from your standard infantry selection but sorta speaks volumes that only one woman has passed and even then took her three attempts.


She should of failed at the 3rd attempt too, none of the guys on that course wear their daggers because of it. :thumbs:

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I'm sure a lot of women are mentally strong enough for the job, but physically? If I was on the front line and wounded, I'd like to know my comrade could carry me to safety if required. I hope they aren't going to make up the numbers with unsuitable candidates just to be PC - just like they do in the police.

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War is war and a fire fight is a fire fight and yep it's some scary shit at times and does effect people BUT the worst atrocities I have ever seen that effected men the worst was in Kosovo ... The things them Serbs and Croatians did to each other and innocent women and kids was unspeakable ... If I wrote just a paragraph of what went on in those secluded mountain villages most of you wouldn't sleep for nights ... It truly was a disturbing place that I was glad to get out of.........


Friend of mine did tours in the Balklans heard enough in one story to break me and three others into tears :thumbs:


Unbelievable how far man is capable of going with the excuse of war!!!

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Women played a massive roll in the 2 wars , code breakers etc , maybe not on the frontline but they still played a very important roll


The Russians had some of the very best female snipers in the 2nd WW.




Lets cut to the chase. If a woman is caught. Name rank and number yeh. Then what would a gang of rag heads then do normaly i would say use your imagination in the case lets be frank she would get abused sexualy without a doupt and for that reason women would put every one in the unit at risk End of. What women would want that on their mind


I doubt a group of "Ragheads" Would much be interested in a woman

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Kay the results were collated by civilian phsyciatrists not the military as it was an independent study ... A nurse having just finished a nice brew and a biscuits having to deal with somebody screaming knowing that there is a doctor to sort the problem is far far removed from somebody that has had little or no sleep for 24 hours has been carrying over a 100 lbs for miles across unforgiving terrain in soaring temperatures has been in a sustained fire fight for hours who is listening to their mates dying in agony and can't do anything about it ........




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Kay the results were collated by civilian phsyciatrists not the military as it was an independent study ... A nurse having just finished a nice brew and a biscuits having to deal with somebody screaming knowing that there is a doctor to sort the problem is far far removed from somebody that has had little or no sleep for 24 hours has been carrying over a 100 lbs for miles across unforgiving terrain in soaring temperatures has been in a sustained fire fight for hours who is listening to their mates dying in agony and can't do anything about it ........





Lol ............

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... Jesus Some people seem to think the army is this amazing physical machine, The reality is the majority of the army is content to pass Physical tests by the bare minimum..FIT women are more than able to keep up with men on the lions share of everyday fitness,


The difficult part is women dont like weight on their backs and the wear and tear that a man can push through on an arduous course is vastly superior to the average female soldiers ceiling. Evidented by No woman ever passing Pre Parachute selection and only one ever passing the Commando Course but if you fail to factor in that females do jobs such as Gun Buddies in the artillery or Erecting Bridges by hand in the Engineers then you run a very misconcieved conception of what females actually do in the forces


Socks...I recognise your are intrinsically proud of your infanteering career, But what you described earlier that females could not cope or mangage was complete mince...Most Infantry sections regardless of Cap badge, role or AO have a CMT attatched to them from the Med corps, For civillians reading this, Their role is basically to shadow the section/troop/call sign and provide intimate medical assistance above and beyond the capabilities of those trained as a team medic,In nearly every instance I have come across them they have been female, Sometimes they look barely old enough to get into a nightclub, But to say that females cannot tolerate sleep deprivation,extreme temperatures, rough terrain, Heavy loads ,firefights and the screams of those injured is laughable considering these girls do that day in day out in Afghanistan, Yes strictly speaking they are not carrying the GPMG or in charge of a section, But the fact is they are on the frontline and have acquitted themselves well.......


But Women should never be in the infantry, Its Not sexist or predujiced to say that it should remain the final bastion of masculinity in our Armed Forces....


"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf"


Long may it remain so

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... Jesus Some people seem to think the army is this amazing physical machine, The reality is the majority of the army is content to pass Physical tests by the bare minimum..FIT women are more than able to keep up with men on the lions share of everyday fitness,


The difficult part is women dont like weight on their backs and the wear and tear that a man can push through on an arduous course is vastly superior to the average female soldiers ceiling. Evidented by No woman ever passing Pre Parachute selection and only one ever passing the Commando Course but if you fail to factor in that females do jobs such as Gun Buddies in the artillery or Erecting Bridges by hand in the Engineers then you run a very misconcieved conception of what females actually do in the forces


Socks...I recognise your are intrinsically proud of your infanteering career, But what you described earlier that females could not cope or mangage was complete mince...Most Infantry sections regardless of Cap badge, role or AO have a CMT attatched to them from the Med corps, For civillians reading this, Their role is basically to shadow the section/troop/call sign and provide intimate medical assistance above and beyond the capabilities of those trained as a team medic,In nearly every instance I have come across them they have been female, Sometimes they look barely old enough to get into a nightclub, But to say that females cannot tolerate sleep deprivation,extreme temperatures, rough terrain, Heavy loads ,firefights and the screams of those injured is laughable considering these girls do that day in day out in Afghanistan, Yes strictly speaking they are not carrying the GPMG or in charge of a section, But the fact is they are on the frontline and have acquitted themselves well.......


But Women should never be in the infantry, Its Not sexist or predujiced to say that it should remain the final bastion of masculinity in our Armed Forces....


"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf"


Long may it remain so


There are two women to have passed the All Arms Commando Course...

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Yes there are women medics as there are women searchers interpreters etc but none of them work out of a FOB ( forward operating base ) which is the front edge leading role of the infantry on operations .............

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