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Women In Front Line Combat Roles

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Women don't negotiate!   "where's the bomb!?............................ not gonna tell me? Fine, we'll launch full scale nuclear attack! followed by the silent treatment"

Lets cut to the chase. If a woman is caught. Name rank and number yeh. Then what would a gang of rag heads then do normaly i would say use your imagination in the case lets be frank she would ge

I've just finished in the infantry after 22 years and i did my first afghan tour as youngish lad, a whole life in front of me to come, no mortgage, no bills(apart from the loan on my boy racer car), l

another point you may need to consider in having women in front line.is the effects it has on a soldier faced with a women in a combat situation.those russian women soldiers i mentioned.they faced the wehrmacht on the russian front.and the germans at first didnt know how to react.until they came under fire,and the officer gave the order to fire.even after 60 year when interviewed you could see that it still haunted him.

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another point you may need to consider in having women in front line.is the effects it has on a soldier faced with a women in a combat situation.those russian women soldiers i mentioned.they faced the wehrmacht on the russian front.and the germans at first didnt know how to react.until they came under fire,and the officer gave the order to fire.even after 60 year when interviewed you could see that it still haunted him.


I believe the Taliban and others make good use of that fact to. Using women and children as shields and even soldiers. Can you imagine the psycological impact having to clear an area with bayonets and coming up against an armed kid or woman?

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another point you may need to consider in having women in front line.is the effects it has on a soldier faced with a women in a combat situation.those russian women soldiers i mentioned.they faced the wehrmacht on the russian front.and the germans at first didnt know how to react.until they came under fire,and the officer gave the order to fire.even after 60 year when interviewed you could see that it still haunted him.


I believe the Taliban and others make good use of that fact to. Using women and children as shields and even soldiers. Can you imagine the psycological impact having to clear an area with bayonets and coming up against an armed kid or woman?


You know that's a bleedin' horrible thought.


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I was reading up a few things after this thread earlier, one was that they reckoned the Islamists would never surrender to an armed woman and would be much more likely to fight to the death when faced with one than they would be when faced by an armed man! :icon_eek:

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another point you may need to consider in having women in front line.is the effects it has on a soldier faced with a women in a combat situation.those russian women soldiers i mentioned.they faced the wehrmacht on the russian front.and the germans at first didnt know how to react.until they came under fire,and the officer gave the order to fire.even after 60 year when interviewed you could see that it still haunted him.


I believe the Taliban and others make good use of that fact to. Using women and children as shields and even soldiers. Can you imagine the psycological impact having to clear an area with bayonets and coming up against an armed kid or woman?


You know that's a bleedin' horrible thought.


you do what has to be done .

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