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Women In Front Line Combat Roles

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Women don't negotiate!   "where's the bomb!?............................ not gonna tell me? Fine, we'll launch full scale nuclear attack! followed by the silent treatment"

Lets cut to the chase. If a woman is caught. Name rank and number yeh. Then what would a gang of rag heads then do normaly i would say use your imagination in the case lets be frank she would ge

I've just finished in the infantry after 22 years and i did my first afghan tour as youngish lad, a whole life in front of me to come, no mortgage, no bills(apart from the loan on my boy racer car), l

Women are neither physically nor mentally capable of carrying out the role of a front line infantry soldier .... There was a huge test carried out by the military in 2009 that proved this ........

im surprised they test them ...................i thought it was obvious..........lol

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dont agree with any woman being on the front line full stop


captured and repeatedly gang raped


NO woman should ever be on the front line :nono:

dont agree with any woman being on the front line full stop


captured and repeatedly gang raped


NO woman should ever be on the front line :nono:

crazy as it might seem but its some womens fantasy............. :yes:

scary aint it...........i dont think they would really like it tho...............

. You must know some wierd fooking birds bud

not really ,................just easy ones ............


your just a sick prick for saying that wippet


fcuking unbelivable :no:

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dont agree with any woman being on the front line full stop


captured and repeatedly gang raped


NO woman should ever be on the front line :nono:

dont agree with any woman being on the front line full stop


captured and repeatedly gang raped


NO woman should ever be on the front line :nono:

crazy as it might seem but its some womens fantasy............. :yes:

scary aint it...........i dont think they would really like it tho...............

. You must know some wierd fooking birds bud

not really ,................just easy ones ............


your just a sick prick for saying that wippet


fcuking unbelivable :no:

get a grip it was a joke.............. :yes:

edit to say you dont spell whippet right

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Women are neither physically nor mentally capable of carrying out the role of a front line infantry soldier .... There was a huge test carried out by the military in 2009 that proved this ........


Just playing devils advocate, are their not potentially exceptions? If woman passed the necessary training? Or is it a case of, you only really find out whos capable when actually out there on the front line? And so you would have a lot of women crumbling despite passing selection and training.

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dont agree with any woman being on the front line full stop


captured and repeatedly gang raped


NO woman should ever be on the front line :nono:

dont agree with any woman being on the front line full stop


captured and repeatedly gang raped


NO woman should ever be on the front line :nono:

crazy as it might seem but its some womens fantasy............. :yes:

scary aint it...........i dont think they would really like it tho...............

. You must know some wierd fooking birds bud

not really ,................just easy ones ............


your just a sick prick for saying that wippet


fcuking unbelivable :no:

get a grip it was a joke.............. :yes:

edit to say you dont spell whippet right


oh ok sorry for calling you sick wippet


but the prick still stands :tongue2:

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Women don't have the physical attributes IMO to be front line serving soldiers especially not in the special services or top military infantry/commando roles.


This is in no way a critisim in the second world war there were many women with balls of steel who served behind enemy lines in France and Germany as part on the SOE. Many also lost their lives doing this role at the hands of the Gestapo who only knows what they did to them.


As I say nothing to do with courage just they way the two sexes were made.



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i dont think its a good idea myself.alright the age of chivalry is well gone,but there still a few men who would put themselfs in harms way to protect a women or a kid.and that cant be a good idea in a battle.aye the russian women did no bad in the war though,there were a company of women and like has been said snipers.not to mention the russian women pilots who engaged the luftwaffe.but then again they are russians lol

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Women are neither physically nor mentally capable of carrying out the role of a front line infantry soldier .... There was a huge test carried out by the military in 2009 that proved this ........


Just playing devils advocate, are their not potentially exceptions? If woman passed the necessary training? Or is it a case of, you only really find out whos capable when actually out there on the front line? And so you would have a lot of women crumbling despite passing selection and training.


The tests carried out started off with the physical roles ie carrying the same kit as men having to drag a body climb over walls route marching etc etc etc .... This shed over 80% of the women ... They were then put under extreme sleep deprivation and given simple tasks to do and in all fairness most passed this ... But the clincher on the deal was when they were put in a battlefield situation with multiple injurys and guys screaming and incoming fire etc ... ALL of the women left on the course failed this part of the test ... They could not deal with the helplessness they felt when they could hear people screaming but could do nothing about it ... The female brain works differently to men's and the mothering side kicks in ....


Obviously this is a tiny little paragraph of what was tested and what they whent through ........

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Women are neither physically nor mentally capable of carrying out the role of a front line infantry soldier .... There was a huge test carried out by the military in 2009 that proved this ........


Just playing devils advocate, are their not potentially exceptions? If woman passed the necessary training? Or is it a case of, you only really find out whos capable when actually out there on the front line? And so you would have a lot of women crumbling despite passing selection and training.


The tests carried out started off with the physical roles ie carrying the same kit as men having to drag a body climb over walls route marching etc etc etc .... This shed over 80% of the women ... They were then put under extreme sleep deprivation and given simple tasks to do and in all fairness most passed this ... But the clincher on the deal was when they were put in a battlefield situation with multiple injurys and guys screaming and incoming fire etc ... ALL of the women left on the course failed this part of the test ... They could not deal with the helplessness they felt when they could hear people screaming but could do nothing about it ... The female brain works differently to men's and the mothering side kicks in ....


Obviously this is a tiny little paragraph of what was tested and what they whent through ........


I buy the not being physically capable , but some of the other stuff i dont altogether think women generally cant deal with , screaming for one thing, I imagine nurses hear a fair amount of screaming when dealing with burns victims in a hospital situation as one example


There are plenty of female firefighters & I imagine they see there fair share of gore & having to deal with people badly burned as do paramedics when attending RTA's


Clearly its a totally different situation in a war zone , but I think women would be more than capable of dealing with the sound of people in agony & I would expect it to effect males & females alike mentally

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Kay the results were collated by civilian phsyciatrists not the military as it was an independent study ... A nurse having just finished a nice brew and a biscuits having to deal with somebody screaming knowing that there is a doctor to sort the problem is far far removed from somebody that has had little or no sleep for 24 hours has been carrying over a 100 lbs for miles across unforgiving terrain in soaring temperatures has been in a sustained fire fight for hours who is listening to their mates dying in agony and can't do anything about it ........

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If you want your car fixed you ask a mechanic............if you want plumbing advice you ask a plumber....................hence,id take Socks word to the bank on subjects of this nature ;)

Besides which.....lets have it right and not sugar coat it......army/fire brigade/ol bill.....women will never be as physically capable in any of those professions to pretend they would is just a needless compromise on important jobs.

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Kay the results were collated by civilian phsyciatrists not the military as it was an independent study ... A nurse having just finished a nice brew and a biscuits having to deal with somebody screaming knowing that there is a doctor to sort the problem is far far removed from somebody that has had little or no sleep for 24 hours has been carrying over a 100 lbs for miles across unforgiving terrain in soaring temperatures has been in a sustained fire fight for hours who is listening to their mates dying in agony and can't do anything about it ........


Oh dear.

Edited by LaraCroft
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