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Women In Front Line Combat Roles

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Looks like the yanks have come over all PC and are now going to allow women to serve in front line combat roles including top end infantry units, US Rangers, Green Berets and even the likes of Delta and SEALs.


It's certainly equality but is it sensible?

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Women don't negotiate!   "where's the bomb!?............................ not gonna tell me? Fine, we'll launch full scale nuclear attack! followed by the silent treatment"

Lets cut to the chase. If a woman is caught. Name rank and number yeh. Then what would a gang of rag heads then do normaly i would say use your imagination in the case lets be frank she would ge

I've just finished in the infantry after 22 years and i did my first afghan tour as youngish lad, a whole life in front of me to come, no mortgage, no bills(apart from the loan on my boy racer car), l

Lets cut to the chase. If a woman is caught. Name rank and number yeh. Then what would a gang of rag heads then do normaly i would say use your imagination in the case lets be frank she would get abused sexualy without a doupt and for that reason women would put every one in the unit at risk End of. What women would want that on their mind

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They'd be rubbish at interrogation and negotiation :laugh:


Women don't negotiate!


"where's the bomb!?............................ not gonna tell me? Fine, we'll launch full scale nuclear attack! followed by the silent treatment" :laugh:

I can't stand sulking f*****g women, they'd only have to sit there with the face on and keep answering 'nothing!' when asked what their f*****g problem is and I'd crack after about 10 minutes and tell her everything she wanted to know! :laugh:
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Of course, they should have to pass the same selection and training as any other soldier, commando course or similar to prove they are the equal of a male soldier.


But that's not my problem with it, they're gonna be targeted and used as emotional blackmail. Dress it up how you like, but a video of a woman being abused will cause a media shit storm compared to a male soldier, those that have to make tough decisions will potentially be forced into the wrong decision. What about intimate relationships that will enevitably develop? I'm asking questions because I don't have the experience to say how this would affect the effectiveness of a front line troop. Just seems dangerous to me.


The MOD aren't following suit......... yet.

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if you seen some of the things purporting to be women walking the streets of bristol on a friday and saturday night the frontline sthe best place for them any raghead would run a mile and as for sexauly abused theyed teach the ragheads all about abuse

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Women played a massive roll in the 2 wars , code breakers etc , maybe not on the frontline but they still played a very important roll


. Kay i sit and listern to a great ant when she comes up from devon she tells harrowing tales she was waff Women serve and serve with great proffesionilisam but kay think of the real conciqenses of a women in front line opps you dont have think for long war and men !!!!!!!!
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Women played a massive roll in the 2 wars , code breakers etc , maybe not on the frontline but they still played a very important roll


I don't think anybodies saying women can't contribute Kay, but I don't personally think the front lines of battle are any place for a woman, even more so in the type of situations that the current conflicts throw up.. In counties like Afghanistan, their own women are treated as second class citizens and dirt with no rights.. The capture of a woman solider and what she would be subjected to in one of these shitholes don't bear thinking about for me.. :thumbs:
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Women played a massive roll in the 2 wars , code breakers etc , maybe not on the frontline but they still played a very important roll



And they still do Kay, I graduated with a girl that went to Sandhurst, one of the guns is in the RAF Regiment. where he met his wife and another guns daughter is currently in Afghanistan. Also women serving in the likes of the British Special Forces Special Reconnaissance Regiment. Plenty in Intelligence gathering services, MI5, GCHQ etc. But front line combat roles like RMs, Paras, rifles, gaurds etc and even special forces? I just think a dangerous decision to make.

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Women played a massive roll in the 2 wars , code breakers etc , maybe not on the frontline but they still played a very important roll


The Russians had some of the very best female snipers in the 2nd WW.

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