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Pm Promises In/out Eu Referendum..

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they are all one and the same even ukip have a friends of israel division, whoever gets in just kick the can along the road with false promises. 5 years is a long time for things to go tits up and they have admitted a federalised europe is the end goal.

"The Federated Republic of Europe - the United States of Europe - that is what must be. National autonomy no longer suffices. Economic evolution demands the abolition of national frontiers. If Europe is to remain split into national groups, then Imperialism will recommence its work. Only a Federated Republic of Europe can give peace to the world." - Leon Trotsky

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i seen atory other day on news defenfing the cuts on disability.there 4% of disabilty seekers who are claiming under false pretences,there cheats he says and will be stopped.   aye opposed to 35%of

Gordon Brown also sold of loads of stuff, including our gold reserves (at a rock bottom price) in order to con people into thinking that they were doing a good job.   When Labour won the election ev

What a f*****g wanker! What does he think he can blag people with the same bullshit twice.   He needs a kick right in the dick that Cameron does.

they are all one and the same even ukip have a friends of israel division, whoever gets in just kick the can along the road with false promises. 5 years is a long time for things to go tits up and they have admitted a federalised europe is the end goal.

"The Federated Republic of Europe - the United States of Europe - that is what must be. National autonomy no longer suffices. Economic evolution demands the abolition of national frontiers. If Europe is to remain split into national groups, then Imperialism will recommence its work. Only a Federated Republic of Europe can give peace to the world." - Leon Trotsky


This is the strange one in the UK the common consensus is this is what Europeans' want ha like bolllocks they do the Catalans want independence there is no way they would get it and then hand everything over to another central government. The Spanish, German etc people would not go for it. Not one country except maybe Belgium but they're diicks anyway :laugh: want a Federalised Europe only the politicians.

Edited by mushroom
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they are all one and the same even ukip have a friends of israel division, whoever gets in just kick the can along the road with false promises. 5 years is a long time for things to go tits up and they have admitted a federalised europe is the end goal.

"The Federated Republic of Europe - the United States of Europe - that is what must be. National autonomy no longer suffices. Economic evolution demands the abolition of national frontiers. If Europe is to remain split into national groups, then Imperialism will recommence its work. Only a Federated Republic of Europe can give peace to the world." - Leon Trotsky


They are absolutely betting on the opposite, that we've returned to prosperity within 5 years time and everyone forgets about what the EU has done to us. This is going to be our only shot at getting our democracy back.


On that subject what makes me really spew is the politicians that keep telling us the positives of staying in the EU are worth throwing away democracy...I mean what can be more important that self governance?? Countries have years of civil war to get self determination and we've thrown ours away without a shot fired. Hitler must be rolling in his grave and slapping himself when he sees how easy it was 60 years later.

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To help the working classes the very first thing that needs to be done is slam the door shut for unskilled labour, and then they can put a cap on benefits...not the other way around. Other wise it will be a race to the bottom.

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they are all one and the same even ukip have a friends of israel division, whoever gets in just kick the can along the road with false promises. 5 years is a long time for things to go tits up and they have admitted a federalised europe is the end goal.

"The Federated Republic of Europe - the United States of Europe - that is what must be. National autonomy no longer suffices. Economic evolution demands the abolition of national frontiers. If Europe is to remain split into national groups, then Imperialism will recommence its work. Only a Federated Republic of Europe can give peace to the world." - Leon Trotsky


They are absolutely betting on the opposite, that we've returned to prosperity within 5 years time and everyone forgets about what the EU has done to us. This is going to be our only shot at getting our democracy back.


On that subject what makes me really spew is the politicians that keep telling us the positives of staying in the EU are worth throwing away democracy...I mean what can be more important that self governance?? Countries have years of civil war to get self determination and we've thrown ours away without a shot fired. Hitler must be rolling in his grave and slapping himself when he sees how easy it was 60 years later.

. And which country is thriving amidst the biggest recesion in modern history Adolf will be smiling in his grave
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the average german im sure will have the same worries as us im sure theyre flooded with turks, frsnce with north africans etc. we european plebs really are in it together. white population of the world down to 7% and getting lower with every passing week. thr fall of every great empire from ancient greece rome egypt byzantine and now british has coincided with the mixing and interbreeding of races. just my opinion of course.

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An interesting (imho) read on the real state of the finances of the UK.




Britain is about to be flattened by a tidal wave of debt. It doesn’t matter if you vote Conservative, Liberal, Labour, UKIP – or for no party at all. The facts are the facts.

Let’s take a look at some numbers…

Two and a half years ago, when the Coalition government formed, we were already in a huge amount of debt. In fact, the previous government had left the country sinking under £700 billion’s worth. Take a look at the following chart:


The Coalition has spent the last two years desperately and very publically trying to get our finances in order. We’ve had an “austerity” budget. We’ve had tax hikes. We’ve had “the cuts”.

But for all that, our national debt is still growing at an incredible rate.

Despite David Cameron’s talk of “austerity”, he’s going to add an estimated £700 billion to the national debt in just five years. That’s more than Tony Blair and Gordon Brown added to the national debt in eleven years. It’s more than every British government of the past 100 years put together.

The fact is, when you look at our finances as a whole, the Coalition isn’t cutting anything. State spending is going up… our national debt is going up… and our interest payments are going up.

By the next general election in 2015, our national debt is estimated to stand at almost £1.4 trillion, as this chart shows:


It’s clear: our public finances are in an enormous mess. Anyone can see that. And to some extent, some politicians will admit it. But add in our financial, personal and private debts… and an even darker picture emerges…

Compared to the size of our economy, Britain is now one of the most heavily indebted countries in the Western world. That’s official. Our total debts stand at more than FIVE TIMES what our entire economy is worth.

Proportionally, that’s more debt than Italy… Portugal… Spain… and almost twice as much debt as Greece. Those are four countries already in the throes of financial crisis. We’re the odd one out because we haven’t collapsed – yet. But things can’t stay that way for long.

You see, the only countries that have more debt than us are Japan, where the economy has stagnated for 20 years and the stock market has crashed by 75%... and Ireland, where the housing market has crashed 50%, and the government has been forced to accept a bailout.

In fact, our debts tower above almost every other nation’s – here are the figures that prove it:


That's absolutely incredible, isn't it? Yet you’ve probably never seen this fact reported in The Telegraph or on Sky News.

And the worst part is, even THAT isn’t the full story…

Because when you add in all of Britain’s “unfunded obligations” – promises the Government has made on things like public sector pensions – our debts swell to 900% of our economy.

That’s right – when you add everything up, we owe NINE TIMES what our entire economy is worth.

Our political leaders still like to see Britain as a world power. But let’s not delude ourselves. It’s clear to see: we’re totally broke.

It doesn’t matter which set of figures you use, or which way you look at Britain’s debts. We’re merely talking about different shades of disaster here.

A country can either pay back its debts or it can’t.

And it is very clear to us that Britain can’t.

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..during the next parliment if they get back in of course..


Typical fecking political carrot dangling, why not have it now?




He also promised a free vote on the hunting ban... Think he's worried about loosing a significant share of the vote to UKIP I reckon..


Can he be trusted after the last " cast iron guarantee " ?

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All this worrying over debt, money ain't worth feck all because its not based or backed by anything tangible.. The likes of one of us may as well throw a few figures up in the air because it will be as accurate as official figures and also based on nothing! :laugh: They may as well have a chimp chained to a calculator sat in the Bank of England hotseat, honest to god!


Does everybody know how government borrowing works, who the government borrows off and who benefits from the interest they have to pay back on it? Here's a clue - the people who lend the actual money don't see a penny of interest back..


People need to taking notice of the way things work and wake up to just how farcical, how it's based on absolutely nothing and how it is so easily manipulated to benefit a certain section of society IMO..

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