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Pm Promises In/out Eu Referendum..

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..during the next parliment if they get back in of course..


Typical fecking political carrot dangling, why not have it now?




He also promised a free vote on the hunting ban... Think he's worried about loosing a significant share of the vote to UKIP I reckon..

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i seen atory other day on news defenfing the cuts on disability.there 4% of disabilty seekers who are claiming under false pretences,there cheats he says and will be stopped.   aye opposed to 35%of

Gordon Brown also sold of loads of stuff, including our gold reserves (at a rock bottom price) in order to con people into thinking that they were doing a good job.   When Labour won the election ev

What a f*****g wanker! What does he think he can blag people with the same bullshit twice.   He needs a kick right in the dick that Cameron does.

  On 22/01/2013 at 23:35, Malt said:

..during the next parliment if they get back in of course..


Typical fecking political carrot dangling, why not have it now?




He also promised a free vote on the hunting ban... Think he's worried about loosing a significant share of the vote to UKIP I reckon..


What a f*****g wanker! What does he think he can blag people with the same bullshit twice.


He needs a kick right in the dick that Cameron does.

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Are we in the EU or not? If not, why do we pay so much to Europe? I don't believe any of the mps. Time to get rid of them all. f*****g great we need to hope this clown gets in again before we get to decide what happens to our country. Get rid of the lot of them. Get top business men like Branson to run business affairs. Top health people running health service, war veterans running defense, etc etc. local council level, everyone in a region gets to know there budget for the year, a list of services and what they cost, tick how much money out the budget goes to each, simples. Let us run the country cos these clowns haven't a clue.

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Funny how pension reforms and pay cuts are getting rushed through and this reform / vote isn't until 2017.

My understanding is that this is just a vote to see what the public view is. If they vote OUT then it will then take a lot longer to actually implement it.


Don t trust a word of it.

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Well if that doesn't tell everyone what he's about nothing will . . . But you watch it will be A Labour win next time who will do Exacly the same dangle carrots make false promises . . . When will people wake up too what's happening and vote for the likes off UKIP . . Never I suspect !

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  On 23/01/2013 at 08:12, lanesra said:

Well if that doesn't tell everyone what he's about nothing will . . . But you watch it will be A Labour win next time who will do Exacly the same dangle carrots make false promises . . . When will people wake up too what's happening and vote for the likes off UKIP . . Never I suspect !


When will folk wake up and realize ALL the party's are the same....... Never I guess


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  On 23/01/2013 at 08:47, baw said:
  On 23/01/2013 at 08:12, lanesra said:

Well if that doesn't tell everyone what he's about nothing will . . . But you watch it will be A Labour win next time who will do Exacly the same dangle carrots make false promises . . . When will people wake up too what's happening and vote for the likes off UKIP . . Never I suspect !


When will folk wake up and realize ALL the party's are the same....... Never I guess

That statement above is Exacly why these people stay in Power , yes who's too say UKIP would be better but unless you try something different you'll never know , 1 things for sure THEY CAN'T BE ANY WORSE .
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They can't be worse I agree and that's the crux of the problem. They are dire, out for themselves. We are all brainwashed into thinking they are separate parties..... They are all the same. If I never had previous I'd start a party putting real people in charge of the sectors, until this happens I won't vote and if everyone didn't vote, something would change. But no, round and round the merry go round goes......

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