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no don;t go down to the grooves just sand as normal and get the shape you like then fill the grooves in with apoxi putty then buff it will go black and make the filework stand out then you end up at the finest sand paper then oil it

whats the stuff you use bud , i bought some for a similar job and it dryed a shitty green colour , cheers phil
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B&Q sell the apoxi putty car places like allwoods sell it to might be called liquid metal ?

easy to us and work , very string stuff , it can be threaded if needs be to , i used it to make some broad heads for a compound bow the other year , just set 2 stanly knife blades in the putty on the end of the arrow , terrably inaccurate but stood up well to use !!! was a 65lbs draw weight bow to .

but like kev says its just the job for file work , lots of gentle buffing will see it turn a nice dark shade.

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Another way to finish the backwork is to grind some copper or brass, bronze or silver etc, catch the filings then mix some clear epoxy resin, mix the filings with the resin mix and fill the voids..


when set, sand/polish them, the glistening copper bits look rather nice..


I just searche the interweb and couldn't find the pics of a knife that someone made this way on British Blades but it was a few years ago so it may have gone into cyber oblivion :blink:



John :bye:

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